
Why are asian girls more hairer then white girls?

by  |  earlier

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not being racist i think asian girls are really pretty but some have alot of hair




  1. they are not, its just their hair is Darker

  2. Have u vulgar despos got nothing better than to pollute the Ramadan section with such stuff? The question is not really disgusting, but these revolting answers---Are those the kind of filthy jokes Muslim guys make when they get together? They expose ur mental level!

  3. tut tut @ Pakistani Chap where have your eyes been....? o_0

    @ Not afraid to stand alone!!! Please do not take this opportunity like p**i Chap has done and observe women it is wrong! p**i Chap you need to lower your gaze!!!

  4. Lmaoo @ p**i chap

    how do  know? i thought u werent married


    Oh ok lol

  5. Lol, you guys are gross.

    I don't know why they are hairier, maybe it is genetic or because of the region they are from and its climate....

  6. That's not an asian/white thing, although I find that asians tend to have less body hair than whites.  My wife never even knew that most white women shave their legs.

    One of the hairiest women I ever encountered was white.

    But I happen to like a lot of hair, too. . . .

  7. i guess you havent seen western girls,they are also hairy ,their hairy arms sucks !

  8. I can't tell if that's true, since you posted in the Ramadan section, they're all wearing burkhas.

  9. white girls? do you mean western girls??

    who knows, maybe those white girls wax 10 times a day..

  10. Lol..Funny Question..

    u cant judge all asian girls by a few..i mean im not hairy...some are, some arent...

    same with all other girls...some white girls are some arent..

    THANK GOD im Not... :D


  11. And the dogs go woof woof...

  12. its a mix of genetic, complexion of the skin, and hair color... I am sure that some white chick got some hairy assess too

  13. Genetics....and too much male hormones u donut!

    Can appen to any femme regardless of her race.

  14. you are quite right and not being racist at all, but they actually don't have MORE hair...their coloured skin shows the hair up more than a white female, when they have the same amount...

  15. What is has to do with religion?

  16. I don't think that it's necessarily that they have more hair, its that their hair is more visible because its almost always black.

  17. It's not because they are "hairier" as such, but because a certain texture and colour of hair is more visible than fine, lighter hair. For example, most European girls have finer hair than Asian girls, and coarser hair is thicker and shows more - not to mention that most Asian girls have very dark hair. My hair isn't Asian, but it's black and thick like Asian girls and so you can see for example my arm hair but my blonde friend has typically European fine hair and if you look at her arms, they're just as hairy as mine but you can hardly see it. So, I have to remove mine sigh...

  18. yea they have. May be according to the weather.

  19. a simple answer :genetic, racial and hot weather problem.  

  20. That's true. Some Asian girls have enough hair on their a(ss) to knit a sweater.

    EDIT: Lol Not Afraid. Bro, sometimes you see these so called 'hairy' Asian girls at weddings, wearing revealing Saaris, and if you observe the lower back, there's like a trail of stubbly hair going down to the buttcrack....

    EDIT: Lol Faraz. Ewww @ p**n. Don't watch that c**p, I'm allergic to p**n, it makes my phallus swell :x

  21. It's a fact that people of certain ethnic backgrounds have more body hair than others. The South Asian ethnicity just happens to be one of those !!!

  22. Yes,it is true .It is because of genetics

  23. cos of colour of hair

  24. they do?

  25. we inherit it.  

  26. lol thats pretty funny and wat muslima said is true. black hair, pale skin, not a good mix homie

  27. fyi asian girls are extemely pretty incase if you haven't notice it's just that their hair color is darker that's why it's more visible everyone is hairy... they just have darker hair

  28. White girls have lighter hair which tends to blend it with their skin.  Asians, on the other hand, have darker hair and is therefore, more visible.

  29. No its not that, but their hair is darker then amaricans, and their skin is more fair.

    its not that they are harier.


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