
Why are asian people so beautiful?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, i know.. every race has beautiful people and ugly people.. but with asian's they all seem to be beautiful.. and i'm really gobsmacked.

guys and girls.. both.

its like, I WISH I WAS ASIAN!





  1. you can always marry one, every fourth person in the world is Asian, so at least you know there are good amount of them.

    But like you say every race has beautiful and ugly people.  

  2. Asians generally look"cute" , Therefore are beautiful .

    To my opinion , their cuteness & beauty is because 0f having round

    faces and especially having "seductive fox looking eyes".  

  3. Hon, you don't wish you were asian. Asian people have the highest rate of suicide.

  4. I actually think they're quite ugly.

    They have small eyes and wide pig noses.

    The ones you think are pretty had eye opening surgery and everything else.  

  5. Why are black girls like you so beautiful ? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholders.

  6. *dreamy sigh* Asian men are gorgeous...

    lol they're just beautiful. But I think every race is beautiful in it's own way.

  7. All races have people whom posses outwardly unattractive features, their is not one race in the history of existence to my knowledge where the people were all beautiful.

    Also your opinion on beauty might not be the same as mine. I have seen unattractive Asians, as I have seen unattractive flowers, or unattractive birthday cakes.

    So your assertions are incorrect, they are not all beautiful, ask yourself about inward beauty and forget about the facade of the superficial.

    I hope this helps

  8. why cant you be happy with who you are.  I don't know your race and don't really care. But it looks like you need to work on your inside before you think about anybody outside. girl love yourself ! please ! dont be another girl who runs to a white doll without even think about a black doll

  9. i dont think they're beautiful....

    they alright i guess

  10. Eat lots of rice(as opposed to bread, potatoes(especially french fries), and pasta) and use chop sticks so you can ensure that you will partially starve yourself.  Also drink lots of tea instead of coffee or soda.  Shop at Asian food stores often and try anything you can stand to look at without saying "Ewww... yuck!"  Then you can at least have the body of an Asian.

  11. I dont wish I was Asian but they are beautiful.

  12. Trust me, I am Asian.  Asian people are not all beautiful.  Everyone has their uglies.  But it is not bad being ugly.

  13. Um....Asian people have light-skin, dark-colored eyes, and black hair? (Naturally, anyway.)

    I mean, that's what pretty much makes Asian people look Asian. o.o

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