
Why are atheists into dating Christians?

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Interesting things happen when it rains for you guys.....




  1. Do you have any actual statistics? Otherwise, I find this hard to believe.

  2. I personally would not choose to date a Christian, if it happened, so be it, but it's one of the things I scope out about a person. Not that I believe there's anything wrong with Christians (in general) however I have very strong feelings about religion which I feel would get in the way.

    As for your second question, I wish I could give you points for having the most random thought ever.  

  3. Hmm ..

    Maybe they see Christians as a challenge. Someone who can challenge their beliefs and someone who they themselves can challenge. Additionally, keep in mind that opposites attract!

  4. It is quite the opposite.  Christian girls were the ones who pursued me.  They may have wanted to convert me.  However, I think they just wanted the s*x.

    Fortunately, I have given up on them and settled down with an great atheist woman.

  5. psychological, to balance out both, belief and non-belief

  6. I have no idea.  My best guess is there aren't enough atheists to go around.  As much as you think otherwise, most of us really don't care about someones religion.  If they are good kind people that is what matters to most of us.

  7. Assume, for the sake of argument, that Christians outnumber atheists 9 to 1.  Assume also that atheists skew male 3 to 1.  (Both of these are reasonable estimates from my own observation, I'd say.)  From the perspective of a heterosexual male atheist, the female Christian population out numbers the female atheist population by 18 to 1.  It's just sheer numbers.

  8. Catholic School Girls rule.

  9. I'm not totally concerned with my g/f's or any girl I would date religion as long as she isn't a fanatic. It does seem to be a big generalization and christian isn't a nationality or look it's a religion it has no effect on attractivness except personality and body language

  10. I personally would never have dated a Christian, too many differences of opinion I`m afraid.

    Raining ?

    Well I was going to fix a few things on the car, it being Saturday afternoon, but here on the tropical island paradise that we call home, there is a tremendous downpour and that has scuppered that.

    Nice and cool though !

    So I am going to help my wife with some sewing, even cooler eh ?

  11. "Some will not admit." Prove that it's true at all, because I've never seen it. Are you perhaps saying this to promote your religion and reasons for us to convert?

    Funny, I've never dated a Christian. I don't need someone constantly preaching and trying to convert me, or teaching my kids it's okay to be closed-minded.

    When it rains outside I take long walks. When it rains inside I rush to find a sprinkler shutoff.

  12. You know, for all that I think God is imaginary, my experience has been that a lot of people raised in liberal Christian households are genuinely good. Even though I disagree with a lot in the Bible and have a strong aversion to blind belief, I often find that these other qualities are attractive enough to outweigh that.

    I met such a girl once who, although very faithful to her religion, was very intelligent and had a life outside of it. She was one of the kindest people I ever met. If ever I had a regret, it would be that I could never hope to be good enough for her, nor could I believe what she believed.

  13. If I can get laid and convert somebody at the same time it's like killing 2 birds with one stone.

  14. Dumb girls are easier to talk into bed. Catholic girls were always easy marks when I was young and they just want to be loved by something real.

  15. This is not even remotely a serious question, even if you claim it to be.

    The only reason I could imagine dating a Christian would be if she were exceptionally smart, hot, funny, loving and didn't let her religion come between us.

    But that last bit, always a problem.....y'see , 'true' Christians believe the Bible, and the Bible says atheists are wicked, fools, lost...etc..

    I wouldn't want to be with anyone that didn't respect me.

    But back to your claim, where do you find your 'evidence' that atheists 'always go for Christians' in the dating game?

    And do you have a reference I can check?  Until then, hot air, lots of it.

  16. True opposites do not attract; true life for example has no part in true death. In a relationship however, it would seem the only attraction would be to what the other could become, unless of course one side was on the verge of digressing.

  17. They both entertain conversion, the closer they can get to the kill the better.

  18. As a Christian, I dated many atheists... but as an atheist, I don't think I would date any Christians.

    Especially 'cause my love is agnostic, and I don't see me being with anyone else.

    Edit: I changed my picture so I wouldn't confuse you again? :P

  19. They see it as a challenge to see if they can shake ones faith based on Lust and Flattery.

    I dont know probably sit around believing in nothing.

  20. I wouldn't know, but maybe it's because they want to make those Christians commit the sin of adultery just for fun.

    Sabotage, if you will.

    And I would think that Catholic school girls will have less sexually transmitted diseases.

  21. Speak for yourself.

    And we like to dance around smoking bonfires calling out prayers for Darwin.

  22. sigh.... I'm not even going to bother.

    when It rains I study and play video games like a normal person. (well normal for my neighborhood)

  23. I dunno maye they are attracted to good girl.. ( Just like some girl are attracted to bad boys)

    But I guess it depends, Some christain are christains by tittle only ( ie they tick christian on the censous box and thats it)

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