
Why are australians useless at everything except sport? The country appears to be populated by beach boys wit

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h a mental age of 12!




  1. Not so fast, the Australians invented the rotary clothes line.

  2. I've met Australians in various parts of the world and I like them them and welcome them here (UK). Aren't you just a teeny-weeny bit jealous in that they have a mature, sophisticated society that caters for a wide range of different people and you can also have the beach lifestyle? I also like their attitude to sport and wish our government would spend the money in schools so that we could have it here.

    Who would you rather be sat next to on a long-haul flight; a miserable scrote like yourself or an Aussie?

  3. Mate do me a favour, grab you ears very tightly and pull your head out of your a$$. Yes Australia does excel at sport but we have given the world much more then great athletes.

    Penicillin,  Black box flight recorder ,The rotary clothesline, The Esky or Icebox, The Electric Drill, Differential gears,The world's first feature length film, The tank (was invented by a Australian but used by the British) Nuclear Fusion, Aspro, Ultrasound, Gene shears for removing DNA, Supersonic combustion, The Scramjet, Jindalee Radar System (which can detect stealth aircraft) and the Bionic Ear are just a few of the inventions that Australian has contributed to the world.

    Mental age of 12, get real mate.

  4. Find a different catagory a$$hole and you won't have to deal with us 12 y.o. beach boys any more.....!!!!!

    .....Unless thats what you're trolling the net for!?!?!?!

  5. You are ill informed.  Do some homework.

  6. Well we don't need 100 million of us to make a champion cricket team.

  7. oh you poor pitiful ignorant person

    must suck to be you!

  8. Have you ever actually been to Australia?

  9. Umm... You ever been to Australia?  If not, stay out, we don't want you.  I'm 13, Australian and my IQ is 126 thanks very much.  All my friends are smart too.  Looking at your other questions, you're a very racist, disrespectful sh*t stirrer.

  10. Jealousy is a curse  take care

  11. Are you sure you're not the one with the mental age of 12?

  12. bugger off mate.

  13. Not true.I met a lot of Australian girls when I was with the Navy in the Pacific and they were good at quite a few things.

  14. Hang on a sec.  What do you mean useless at everything except sport.

    There have been many things that have been invented or perfected in Australia, or by Australians, that have changed the lives of millions of people around the world.

    1) Spray on skin - this is used for burn victims who have very little skin in which to use for life saving skin grafts. This was invented by Dr Fiona Wood from the Royal Perth Hospital in Western Australia.

    2) Cochlear Implant - This enables profoundly deaf people to hear, some for te very first time. This was invented by Graeme Clark from the University of Melbourne, Victoria

    3) Penicillin - This was developed into a usable medicine by Howard Florey. He won the Nobel prize for doing so.

    4) Direct Injection engine - This was invented as part of the Orbital engine and found its way modern engine design. It improves the efficiency of petrol engines. This was invented by Ralph Sarich from Perth Western Australia.

    These are just a few of the things that Australian have changed the world with.

    So pull your head out of you *** ang grow up

  15. You forgot the most important thing!!!!! Wine in a cardboard box!

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