
Why are back links not increasing?

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  1. Hey Brother

    Your links is not working. therefore i can't see you back links. but Search engine take some time to show back links. you can try to check back links with simple type "" in google search. so google will displays all those website where your website is linked.



  2. It might take a few days before all your backlinks will be indexed,

    so don't worry if you don't find any or just a few backlinks right now.

  3. How long have you been waiting?  Google can take upto 3 months to show backlinks.  Same as Yahoo.  Just keep building them!

  4. Your site is a PR3 which is very good even without great number of backlinks. But your alexa rank suggests that the traffic is pretty bad (may be less than 50 visitors a day?). I guess, your search engine traffic needs to get better...

    To increase backlinks please use the following tools as mentioned in articles below:

    (Please bookmark - digg or stumble - or comment on these articles if you liked them)

    You can also use this site to find dofollow links and comment link your site from there.

    The above are free link building mechanisms. If you are willing to spend a few dollars, you can get listed in a PR6 or 7 directory (Ideally three entries in PR6 directories should fetch you a PR5)



  5. The backlinks are increasing it's just not showing in results every day.

  6. First of all I couldnt reach your site after putting it in the browser - check for any spelling errors.

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