
Why are baptists such a pain in the ***?

by  |  earlier

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I just do not understand how a group of people can be so consistently annoying. Please shed some light.




  1. I'm Baptist, it would surely help this discussion if you would shed some of your our light and be more specific.

  2. Hm.

    Let's see.

    They're southerners. (Not all, but most.)

    I think you have your answer. :]

  3. They are as misguided as all Christian denominations, (as all religious denominations actually), but as they actually teach, study and follow the tenets of their faith they come across a lot more strongly than the equally deluded, but less committed, other christian groupings.  

  4. Well i am a Baptist... I love God, and i love to serve Him and share the Word with others. If you find that annoying then okay?...  

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