
Why are bears used as stuffed animal themes when bears in reality can cleanly slice a person in 3 pieces with

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  1. Because they look so darn cute. Also, by the time any of your children will be encountering bears, they'll know not to go up and try to hug them.

  2. its because they look "cute" as cubs.   really any savagely brutal and deadly animal makes a good stuffed animal.  teaching your children to play with tigers or lions doesn't seem like a good idea in the wild, yet we buy them all these stuffed toys.  I guess its a better thing to tell a child about how sweet and cute a bear is rather than how it can tear your throat out if it's in a bad mood.  I'd rather give my kids a toy gun and teach them to aim.  

  3. The teddy is named after the late President Theodore Roosevelt.

    He supposedly refused to shoot a black bear that his attendants tied to a willow tree during one of his hunting expeditions. The president refused to shoot the bear declaring it was unsportsmanlike to do so. News of the event spread quickly and cartoons of the black bear appeared all over USA and eventually evolved becoming cuter and cuter in later versions. A store owner, inspired by the bear cartoon, made a cute stuffed bear and called it “Teddy’s bear”. The first teddy bear was a big hit and continuous to be to this day.

  4. If you've ever watched bears eating huckleberries on a hillside you'll understand the answer to your question.  They look so soft and cuddly with round bloated bellies.  Just don't get close enough for the slicing to start.


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