
Why are beauty pageant interview questions so short?

by Semione Abi  |  9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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Beauty Pageant, Beauty

 Tags: Beauty, Interview, Pageant, questions, short



  1. Semione Abi

    Judges ask these interview questions to test the intelligence and personality of the contestant, right? Nonetheless the questions are always very difficult and polarizing yet the contestant has got just one minute to give the answer. You wouldn’t expect her to give the best of answers at this time because of the pressure; she is expected to say something meaningful and captivating at the same time, but only in a minute. At this point if she isn’t really the type that will think fast and come up with something productive at that point in time she will end up saying that nowhere near intelligence.

    However, sometimes intelligence isn’t really what the judges are looking for, what they are looking for at that point in time is the contestant’s matured way of thinking, the social responsibility implied by their answers, self-knowledge and confidence and their adeptness with language (fluency, pronunciation, expression).

    Hence the interview part of the competition is mostly about how skilled a contestant is at talking and presentation than it is about intelligence. Reasons why only a minute is required.

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Semione Abi


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