
Why are black people no good at swimming?

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This is nothing racist but im just curious. I never see black people at my local pool and you never get black people in swimming events.




  1. I was at sectionals last weekend. (It's a pretty fast meet.) I saw at least 30 black people there and a lot of them made finals.

  2. Cullen Jones.

  3. im a great swimmer THANK YOU.

  4. because they lack a bone in there foot that gives them the ability to swim

  5. for the same reason they excel at sprinting and boxing and long distance running and basketball etc

  6. I do many Tiathlonsand see many blacks that are very good at swiming and biking and running

  7. Their muscels are built differently than yours.

    Also cullen jones is black and is in the olympics

  8. well one reason it is tuff for them to get their hair the way it was b/c we have a " African American" girl on are swim team and i when home with her and it tuck her forever in the shower and getting her hair fixed and i asked her why and she said b/c of the way her hair is and all their hair is the same so i would guess that is why. and some scientist say that they are not made to swim they are more of runners, and that might be why some of the top runners for the USA and other places are African America!

  9. i kno black kids who r excellent swimmers.  i kno one that went to the olympic trials this year.  so that not fair to say....  look things up before u open ur mouth next time....

  10. they dont like to swim cuz they drown in water

  11. Depends on where you live.

    There are plenty of blacks at my local swimming pool.

  12. thats bull black swimmers are amazing im afraid of them (that sounds mean) but they are natural swimmers and are very strong. Just because you don't see black people swimming doesn't mean they don't swim well. Maybe they have a private pool because they have money ever think of that racist *****

  13. historically they were banned from public pools, and dont have backyard pools, hence nowhere safe to practice.  and if your parents dont swim, its likely that you will not be that inclined to swim either.

  14. may help your understanding.  It is not racist to ask questions as long as you have an open mind.  I learned a lot from your question, and from some of the answers other people have given.

  15. it is to do with the region black people grow up in. In africa there isnt a lot of water so people do different activities other that swimming.

    But in europe the is plenty of water so people are free to swim and play in water

  16. That is just a stereotype. I see many many black people who are great swimmers at my pool. In fact the members of the pool are very diverse, so I don't think race or culture has anything to so with one being capable of swimming.

    Just because your local pool has no black people doesn't make it some kind of universal truth that black people don't swim.

  17. You might not be racist but you phrased your question in a racist way. Just because you never see black people at the local pool, and, you haven't noticed black people in swimming events doesn't mean all black people are no good at swimming. It just means you live in a area were there are black people who don't know how to swim because they haven't had the opportunity to learn how to swim due to a many number of imaginable circumstances and/or factors which have nothing to do at all with your generalized, and, what is a ignorant idea that black people are no good at swimming on account of some physiological or psychological incapability.  As a matter of fact, if you google Cullen Jones, you'll see that black people are about to dominate the sport of swimming like they've done so on other sports apparent and obvious when brought to mind. All they have to do is gain a interest in it and their dominating it.

  18. i dont  think this question is actually right becuase cullen jones (a black swimmer) was just at the olympic trials this year. im not sure if he made it but still.. and maritza corriea too.

  19. thats not exactly true, in New york, they have a swim team and about 20 out of the about 25 kids are black so your statement is not necessarily true.  I'm sure you're not racist

  20. something to do with bone / muscle density.

  21. Cullen Jones is an african american olympic 200y freestyler in high school in texas...african american. best 50y freestyler in high school in texas....same deal. obviously black people can swim...dumb ***.

  22. many black areas don't have the luxury of pools, but they do have basketball courts, open fields and so-forth. can't be good at something if you don't have the means of learning how to be good at it

  23. cause they are to buisy dancing hahahahaha and its because a long time ago black people had kids and since they dont know how to swim they cant teach there kids so ya it just keeps going so now a days if you dont c alout of black people its cause they were never taut how to swim cause there parents dont know how to swim

  24. For the same reason white people can't jump.  Each ethnicity has things they excel at and things they're not so good at.  Some people would call that a racist remark but it's the truth.  

    Overall, black people are the most athletic (just not in the water for some reason), Asians are the smartest, and whites are just kind of middle of the road at everything.  That's just the way it is - as much as some people refuse to accept it.

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