
Why are black republicans an anomaly?

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all jokes aside, why are black voters more likely to vote as democrats? why are black republican politicians normally viewed as "sell outs"? i'm really hoping that i get intelligent answers to this, i'm asking out of sincere curiosity.




  1. In all seriousness, I think this is a sub-cultural issue.  There are black Republicans, but you're right ... there are far more black Democrats.  I don't think it's too hard to ferret out why we see the trend, though.  

    Take the party identification at a 30,000 foot level perspective.  Who are Republicans (generally)?  They are usually successful, middle, upper-middle, and upper class professional white people.  People who pay taxes are generally more inclined to align with the party that promises to reduce their tax burden.  

    Who are Democrats (generally)?  Usually poor to lower-middle class people who work for hourly wages and/or are union members working in a trade.  They rely on government programs and resources and are more inclined to align themselves with the party that promises to increase the tax burden on the "wealthy" and share their money with lower income people (i.e., redistribution of wealth).  

    At least in the modern context it seems to skew this way.  So ask yourself, where do most black people fall?  There is a growing class of college educated, professional black people in the US, and they tend to lean conservative, but they are still a relatively small group compared to the population as a whole.  The thing about the Democrat promise to black Americans ... it is a self-propelling problem.  When you establish dependency on an external benefactor, you inherently weaken the prospects for future self-sufficiency.  Not that poor black people are lazy, but the culture of entitlements and government aid was not executed in a way that ultimately gave poor black Americans a way out.  That was an afterthought.  The projects breed more projects, as it were.  There does seem to be a growing culture of excape from that cultural tailspin, and many of those who create a better life for themselves seem to be finding their way to the Republican party.  

    Black Republican politicians are viewed as sellouts by people who think you're not black unless you are poor, have been in prison, and live in projects.  Success breeds enmity amongst those who crave it but don't have the capacity to provide it for themselves.  This will ultimately change and "success" and "black" come to be more commonly associated terms.

  2. Because the GOP is the party of so-called "Law and Order", euphemism for police state, and neo-cons will start a war for a can of oil. And Blacks are the first to get drafted or arrested. Privatized prisons are just a form of slavery, and they're being built at a record rate. They're passing out some horrendous sentences, just to sell the prisons ans inmates.

  3. Since we're overgeneralizing... I would guess it's because many black americans know what it's like to have their rights withheld, what it's like to be treated poorly by this society and what it's like to live in fear of how they'll pay the rent next month.

    And which party do you think is more likely to have this person's best interest in mind?

    I think we should all pay more taxes and make sure our tax dollars are being spent on better public services!

  4. because democrats tell blacks (wether its true or not) that they are gettingscrewed and that white people have it all and are out to get them...

    and it takes a long time to un-brainwash an entire generation..

    thats why

  5. Because 43% of americans - mostly republicans are a 'closet racists'

    They do not talk about race , but they act from racists positions.

    You can be sure that 99% of McCain supporters are in this category.

  6. democrats in general, support social programs that help the majority of the poorer/middle class demographic.

    republicans usually try to cut social programs, claiming they cost too much money (called conservatism). their base is typically a wealthier demographic.

  7. They aren't.  Democrats push that idea saying Republicans are racist.  

  8. You got some really good, accurate answers.  (Ignore the hateful ones.)  I would add that if you were black and looked at the Republican House and Senate members and saw NOT ONE black person, you would have a hard time believing that they represent you.

  9. Black re-pubs do not have a very one sided  media fawning over them so if you want to be noticed as a re-pub it can only be negative press.As far as blacks voting dem they are told it's someone else's fault when anything goes bad and freedom from responsibility is a very easy trap to fall in.

  10. I think because the republican party is seen as the party who is not concerned with the common people, but with the rich, for quite sometime. I also think the kennedys and specifically JFK has something to do with this, they were this staunch democratic family who was for the people and equality and civil rights and over time republicans have come to be known as the opposite of what they (democrats) stood for,  it being the truth or not, just being what they have become known for.

    I think wealth also plays into it.Many see Republicans as a party for the wealthy,and your average american is just not that, and your "stereotypical average black american" isn't seen as that either, so people are just shocked when they meet black republicans.

    Alot of people don't realise that Abraham Lincoln was a republican and the parties have done a complete switch since those times.

  11. Since a few decades back, republicans have been the conservatives- this means they don't want change. Since having a black president, or black people in power is somewhat of a change, republicans are against this. Less officially, republicans tend to represent the southern states, many of which still harbor racist sentiments against blacks.

    Additionally, republicans also favor richer people. They dislike the government giving aid to poor people, and want fewer taxes on rich people. Based on statistics, not stereotypes, many below the poverty line are black.

    So, black republicans tend to be seen as people who have gotten rich and have forgotten to care for the black population.

  12. The opressed usually sympathize with the oppressor. i forget what its called but its factual

    People seem to forget or ignore the fact that during the civial war, it was THE REPUBLICANS that wanted the abolishment of slavery...

  13. Because they are smarter than usually given credit for.

  14. Cause In My Opinion As A Minority In America Blacks,Hispanics,Asians And Middle And Low Income Caucasians I Feel We Are Suppose To Be Democrats, Cause The Democratic Party Has The Better Interests Of Minorities And Low To Middle Income Families, By Providing Social Service Programs Such As Welfare,Wick,Food Stamps,Pellgrants,College Scholarships,Financial Aid,Housing,Health Care Etc. Aimed More In The Interest Of Minorities And Low To Middle Income People Instead Of Providing More Tax Cuts And Services That Take Away From The American Economy To Aid The Rich And Wealthy Who Already Have The Money And Financial Support To Get By In Life, I'm Not Saying All Minorities Come From Low Income Back Grounds  But Alot Of Us Do Including Me But I'm A Middle Class Working Man Far From Poverty Now And Have Wealthy Relatives That Are Democrats, Cause I Feel If Your A Minority Or Low To Middle Income Person Who Has Gotten Wealthy You Should Always Remember Where Your Life Began And How Your Race Is Struggling As A Whole That's Why As A Mexican/Filipino-American I Would View A Minority Or A Low To Middle Income Person Who Claims Them Self To Be A Republican A Sell-Out.

  15. It all traces back to 1964. The Democrat nominee for President was the incumbent Lyndon Johnson, who had fully supported the adoption of the Civil Rights Act that year, and the Republican nominee was Barry Goldwater, who was one of the few Republican Senators who voted against that bill. Virtually all of the voters that year were aware of that distinction. And that was the first election in which roughly 90% of the black vote went for the Democrat. They have had a habit of voting that way ever since.

  16. minorities are disproportionately poor.

    Democratic policies are moor poor friendly (by conventional wisdom) than republic policies. (think social security v. tax cuts)

  17. A black republican is a dog that bites the hand who feeds it. It's all about what republicans stand for.

  18. I heard a story once that pertains to this.

    If you put a bunch of crabs in a bucket they will eventually figure out that if they pile up on top of each other they can reach the rim of the bucket. But as soon as one of them starts to climb out, the others will reach up and knock him back down.

    This scenario applies to a lot of situations including the one you mention.

  19. Okay I'm gonna break it down for you so you understand fully....


    If you don't understand what I'm talking about Google it. Did you know that the people who are now Democrats were once Republicans? The party that is now the G.O.P. as we know it was once on the wrong side of the Civil Rights Movement (the 60's) follow me?  

    Nixon during the 70's appealed to southern democrats who were mad at President Johnson for passing the Civil Rights act. And they all became Republicans/ Conservatives.

    You ever notice how all the Republicans are white, not non-black, white only. They were on the wrong side then, and they are on the wrong side now. Plus the Republican party has no urban agenda, and sucks money out the lower and middle classes.  

  20. Because most blacks comes from an oppressed inner society and they are used to the government taking care of them, rather than getting through life yourself!

  21. Because the Republican platform tends to favor the wealthy, white establishment.

  22. Any answer I give will be considered racist and get reported.  Blacks are typically lower income families.  They need the extra help the democrats are willing to tax from the "haves" to give to the "have-nots".

  23. Some of it has to do with peer pressure, but historically the Republican Party championed the cause of freeing the Blacks from slavery.  Republicans in Congress after the Civil War passed a number of bills to help the freed slaves.  The Democrats fought back and used groups like the KKK and others to put pressure on.  FDR appointed a KKK member, Hugo Black, to the Supreme Court.  The first Blacks elected to Congress were Republican.

  24. I think because the Republican party boycotts the NAACP as a policy.  I sure wouldn't vote for someone who skips an opportunity to hear my entire viewpoint every year.

  25. It was Republicans that pushed through the civil rights laws we have today so it a mystery why blacks support the Democrats over the Republicans

  26. Good Question.   It's really the feeling that the actions of the Republican party & their majority ignore minority issues.  The Republican Party used to be the party of Abe Lincoln and pioneers for equality but the party changed throughout history and that focused has changed toward the Democrats. Honestly, blacks and other minorities have conservative views on most moral issues and have roots in the fundamental beliefs of the way to succeed in America.  However the party fails to accommodate and/or recognize the unequal treatment that minority groups still face in economic, occupational,and social situations.  It is because a large number of minorities fall into those categories and seek social assistance.  Democrats tend to support those programs and the Republicans frown on those programs.  Black Republicans are seen as "sell-outs" (unfairly) because they belong to a party mostly consisting of whites and, a party with a reputation of not supporting minorities in those issues.  Hope that helped.

  27. Because Republicans tried to stop the Civil Rights Act.

  28. It seems to me that whenever a prominent and/or successful Black speaks about personal responsibility, then they are jumped on by the racists (both black and white) as sellouts (i.e. Bill Cosby).   The prominent blacks who are normally at the head of the charges (i.e. Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright) have a vested financial and political interest in keeping the race card in play.  The irony is that while a majority of blacks may vote Democrat, the high profile mainstream Democratic Party leaders are lily-white.  

  29. Democrats are known for welfare programs.

  30. Because the republican party doesn't reach out to blacks in general and has also embraced many racists in it's party such as Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms.  Even McCain voted against MLK day for his state.  So this does not bode well when trying to have a relationship with a community that they have shunned.  

    Also, many blacks are on the lower side of the economic scale and the republican party does not reach out to those communities and offer solutions on how they can stop the cycle of poverty/crime and gain better educational opportunities.  

    The democrats usually offer social programs, although well intentioned are still not progressive in actually helping those communities.  

    As you can see from the answers most republicans have a great disdain for social programs, where as most democrats understand that they are needed to a certain extent.  

    Neither party actually does much to help the issues that face blacks who are on the lower economic strata, but it's a case of the least worst of I suppose.  

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