
Why are blackbirds attacking a jay in my back garden?

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For the last couple of days two blackbirds have been having an ongoing ruckus with a jay in back of my house. The main site of the dispute seems to be my balcony as I've several times seen a flash of black and blue grey wings flying off as I go into the kitchen.

Is it over territory or is do jays steal other bird's eggs and/or young?




  1. territory and nest protection I'd say

  2. yeah, they want the eggs or chicks. Canabalism.

  3. yes they steal the eggs, i saw a jay attack a small bird and eat it the other day so they do eat babies, i was shocked though it was horrible....

  4. The blackbirds are jealous of the Jays feathers been blue.. same with any bird the brighter the coloured feathers, the more prone they are to attack from other birds.

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