
Why are blacks involved in so much crime, wherever they are?

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It seems that in the US, the black population is disproportionately represented in ghettoes, and crime statistics, aside from a small black middle class. Now, before you say it, this could easily be for historical cultural reasons (In the US only).

In England, it is the same situation. The people stabbing and mugging in London are predominantly black. Blacks have always had equal rights in England, and it is one of the least racist societies on the planet, so why does it happen?

Can these people ever be civilised?




  1. Maybe they're tired of ****

  2. It has to do with values and morals. If you dont value the life and well being of another and you dont feel that crimes are morally wrong you will continue to participate in crime no matter what your race is. Take a look at their families, mentors, neighborhoods, role models, education, religious teachings etc. This is the clue to stopping crime. Children will tend to model what they see and are taught.

  3. Wow the ignorance that has responded to this question is overwhelming.

    1. Why do white people ask other UPSTANDING black citizens why other blacks commit crimes?

    That is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. I don't commit crimes. I work hard and went to college, and so do my brothers and sisters. We have no idea why some PEOPLE in general turn to a life of crime. I don't ask random white people why Manson killed people, or why other whites commit crimes. Thats RIDICULOUS!

    2. When you label an entire race of people and say they are all involved in so much crime, you are being racists. That is like me asking; Why do so many asian people race cars?

    Not all asians race. I know this and so do most people who are involved and conscious of the world we live in.

    3. The truth of the matter is most people are born into the class they will die in. Poor black or white people who only see poverty and crime will know nothing else and for the poorest of poor, not strive for much else. Not just poor black people, poor white people, poor latino people, poor people.

    It is disproportioned here, because when you free slaves, and then opress them, what do they do? Get stuck in a cycle.

    That is not an excuse I think everyone should strive to be better but I mentored kids in the Big Brothers & Big Sisters program and some of these kids have NO concept of their lives not being the way they are.

    Hope that helped.

  4. black people throughout the world (us, england, brazil, sub-saharan africa) are affected by the breaking of the tribe. this can never be understood by anyone without knowledge of what Africa was truly like before colonization

  5. There is more crime amongst deprived communities than affluent.

    If there are more black people in the poorer sections of our population that would explain any distorted figures.

  6. Because in the main they are disadvantaged  and    the youngsters dont get decent jobs,   So turn to crime and drugs to make some money..   Thus gangs are formed  and the  warfare and territory squabbles start.  ,Also they become very intolerant,  think the whole world is against them  and react aggressively to any perceived  slight or lack of respect,  

    To most  the blacks from the inner city estates  are considered  second class citizens,   those from the suburbs  and private estates  are  tolerated more .

  7. because there to lazy to work and they think they are owed something.h**l if it wasnt for the white man they wouldnt even be in this country.

  8. Yes, they should have the civilisation shown by your ancestors, who invade, pillaged, plundered and then stole the fore-bearers of these black people, into slavery, they should have the sort of civilisation that emasculated them, deprived them and marginalised them into ghettos, they should show the civilisation that denies them full opportunities and participation in creating a just society for all. I could go on but I,m too civilised to educate the ramblings of the limited views.

  9. i like how janice (nice female name buddy) thinks whites are like the savior of this country.  I would be very careful about attacking a race of people. you certaintley sound like a racist. At least by the way you ended your question.  Blacks grow up in rough neighborhoods, the majority do and growing up in those neighborhoods they have to do what they have to to survive and provide for their families.  I'd like to see you grow up in some the places that blacks have to grow up and see how well you do.  And lets not act like the white people are perfect, it was they who killed the indians and enslaved blacks.  You said can these "people" ever be civilised? I can ask you the same about white people, asians, mexicans, etc...not every black person in america is into crime. Every race has good and bad people so instead of focusing on one race and crime how about focusing on just crime in general and not make your question so racist sounding

  10. I have to disagree with one of the comments. . .growing up as a black person I've never had to be tough. . .some blacks are civilized others aren't than again that goes for every race it's just that the blacks are just more out there

  11. & as soon as you stand up to them they all call you "racist"

  12. There is this saying that every people need a mentor in society for progress! British TV and media which is the biggest lifestyle mentoring does not do that much! Maybe the internet would do better!

  13. * Looking at the FBI's detailed uniformed crime reports: Blacks make up 13.9% of the U.S. Population, yet commit 51.2% of all violent crime in America. Its even worse than it seems, if you subtract those that are 'in' prison - those that are too young/old to commit crime, you're basically left with 6% of the American population committing over 50% of the violent crime. Why is this happening?

    Don't blame Whitey or racism, after all, we see this same FERAL behavior in Black run countries Zimbabwe and Haiti where Whitey ain't around. It would seem that Blacks are prone to violence, unless you can offer a better explanation for such criminal behavior.

    All races are prone to violence. And this is the link you meant to post.

  14. I think what is important to them is not important to other groups of people.

    goofy pants that droop, incredibly expensive car rims, subwoofers, tinted windows, bling, rap,  these things are important to them and they want these things first, not a job, steady income, a good place to live, etc.

  15. Black people grow up having to be tuff to survive the violence comes them living in bad areas and spreads without.

  16. Anyone pushed to the limit and unfairly denied opportunity will retaliate irrespective of colour or creed. The black people are spoken of as lesser beings and tacitly, those who make a success of their lives have had a helping hand or used unscrupulous means to attain it unless they prove otherwise. It seems inconceivable that black people can be industrious, innovative and driven to succeed. Given the history of the black population, I dare say they are extremely resilient and accommodating. Perhaps the angst exists because black people refuse to step down. Logically speaking, the wealth of developed countries is deeply hinged on the black continent (both its labour and natural resources). To say black people are lazy is... ironic.

  17. I asked one of my best friends, who is black, about something like this the other day, and she said it's anger.

  18. It is a fact that there are more whites in poverty then blacks (trailer parks).  But there is much more crime amongst black poverty populations.  I know that whites use and deal drugs just as much a blacks do in these communities.  My personal opinion is that a decent chunk of the black youth in these communities want to strike it rich by any means necessary.  The youth that cause problems in these areas idolize pimps, rappers and drug dealers.  I don't see much of this in the poor white communities I think robbery is as far as they go most of the time.  As for the whites I feel like they just accept the fact that they are poor.  They just take the low paying jobs they are accustomed to and deal with it.  I will say however that I do believe there are more jobs out there for poor whites then blacks but I only believe this is true because of the bad rep that comes with growing up in a poor black neighborhood.  It is kind of like the one guy that ruins it for everyone else type of thing.

  19. "Generalize" much...what an Idiot!

    Do some research d**k head

  20. its got nothing to do with living in deprived areas etc, i live in a deprived area, all whites and there are no stabbings or shootings, i think its a psychological thing, maybe they believe that there is nothing going for blacks so they just give up and accept the whole black ghetto culture, they fail to realise that this isnt the 50s or whatever, if they want a job, they can get it, same goes for grades, they just dont bother trying, national service would do them a bit of good.

  21. That's like saying why are all drowing victims wet?

    poverty is the foundation for crime. it knows no racial or color barriers, no matter who says what.

  22. Crime and poverty co habit no matter what colour or creed you may be.  Those who struggle in life see others with an easy existance and material gain sometimes sometimes    resulting from being born into the right family......and sometimes from hard work.  The accident of birth and the power associated brings with it a resentment from those who do not have.   It is not excusing crime but can be a case of cause and effect,

  23. This is the type of question that no matter how you answer it you are subject to being labelled racist.

    But statistics don't lie, and there is a disproportionate amount of violent crime attributable to the black population, in relation to their numbers.  Just check any prison population and you will readily see this.  Or the 6 O'clock news.  Young black men are far in the majority of crimes being committed.

    I attribute this to the breakdown of the basic family structure in the black population.  

    Too many kids being born out of wedlock or to single parent families where the mother is on public assistance due to no breadwinner being there, or is working to support the kids with little or no supervision at home.  

    These kids, for the most part have no positive male role models in their lives, and many are being raised by grandmothers.  

    Without a stable family environment, and no incentive or guidance to do the right thing, these kids are easily integrated into the drug and gang cultures where they do find a place of acceptance and belonging.  

    And it's obvious what happens from there.  As I said, we see it on the 6 o'clock news every night.  

    I do NOT attribute the high black crime  rate to lack of advantage or discrimination by whites.  When you strut around on the corner with you pants hanging off your butt, you are not a good prospect to be hired for any real job.  And you aren't looking anyway.  

    So don't blame the "man".  Take responsibility for yourself.  

    I personally judge a person for the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.  Gee, where have I heard that before???

  24. May I ask where you sought this information?You state in your words "blacks have always had equal rights in England"? Which resources have you referenced this from?

    You also say "the people stabbing and mugging in London are predominately black", whilst at the same time you state England is one of the least racist societies on the planet. Could you provide references, as you are making some pretty big statements, yet no evidence to back it up?

    Once you come back with some academic resources, I will then gladly respond to these questions, or are these questions based on your own beliefs and values??

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