
Why are blacks over represented in prisons compared to their population?

by  |  earlier

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i know they like to live off her majesty's money but they must try to work sometimes




  1. They are over represented because they feel that others are responsible for their drug addicted,poor family planning, and desire to take what they feel is theirs. They gave no thought to the facilities that are in place to handle a convict. (subculture?).

  2. I'd like to see where you have found statistics to substantiate this.

  3. and who is 'her majesty' living off?

  4. Plain  and simply started; Racism.

  5. In USA the illegals are filling our cells.

  6. After all these years, Jim Crow still rules, just not as overtly.

    The current social structure serves to stratify blacks into lesser positions, low pay and limited opportunities. There are plenty of blacks who live suburban lives, attain to professional jobs, all that, but for those who can't, menial, dead-end jobs and questionable credit are the standard.

    Of course there are many, who tire of trying to play by rules, who resort to illegal trade in -whatever- only to find that trying to game the system lands them in the crowbar hotel. That's a calculated risk, for them, being on the wrong side of a double standard.

  7. Represented?...interesting choice of term?

  8. to the idiots who said this isnt true: this has been statistically proven a million times. idiots...

    AND the reason is simply that they commit more crimes because they drop out of school more and turn to a life of crime.

    Cause theyre uncivilized monkeys.

  9. I dont appreciate the second part of the question...

    but blacks are over represented in the prison system because more crime is committed in the cities... the cities are where most minorities live... Most of these people cannot afford expensive lawyers to get them off, like middle to upper class people... it is a never ending cycle...

    MOst people incarcerated are there because of drugs btw... 80% of those incarcerated are there for drug crimes whether it be selling or using... thats sad...

  10. as it has been used to since the last century


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