
Why are boxing fans and boxers saying kicks are for sissies well in fact boxing originally had kicking?

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Most boxing fans and boxers I know said kicking is for sissies who can`t fight with their fists and can`t fight like men.But during the bare knuckle boxing era log before U.S.A became a country,boxing had kicking!In fact,during the time of the Ancient Greeks and ancient Romans,it was more than very common to see boxers kicking their opponents after knocking them on the ground! So why are boxing fans and boxers saying that kicking is for sissies well in fact kicking used to be an essential part of boxing?




  1. depends on what kind of kick though if your talking about kicking while there down is a ***** move... cause you wont let them get back up and get payback show true grit.... but if its stand up kicking i got no problem with it and im sure most boxing fans dont

  2. Because to be honest mate a lot of perople are ignorant of that fact. I guess everyone knows it know as "The Sweet Science" and so just using your hands and technique is all part of it. They believe thats harder to win a fight that way and would rather put kicking to the side.

  3. well when London made boxing popular, it was a "gentleman's" sport, the queen endorsed it, and it was thought of as "fencing with the hands" ... i think because its correlation to fencing by the Brits, that it loss the kicking aspect, (prob thought then to be 'ungentlemen like')  and now i guess is thought of as 'sissy'  ... which it isn't ;)

    haha, k peace

  4. people say things like that because they want to discourage it so that wont happen to them during a fight, basically they dont want you to kick them while fighting, it a physiological way to defense

  5. Kicking wasn't allowed under London Prize Ring rules (the old bare knuckle rules) and grappling below the waist was also against the rules.

    I don't think many people think kicking is sissy, its just not part of western boxing now.

  6. Seems like another MMA fan clutching at straws to me. I am not bothered that much about your sport to enter an argument in fact i do watch certain fighters who like to stand up and fight the like of Liddell, Silva and Jackson but why do MMA fans feel the need to try and start pathetic arguments with the fans of boxing. Do you have young boxing fans doing the same in the MMA section or what because i dont really understand the reasoning behind it.

  7. Loyalty To Their Sport

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