
Why are boys such idiots?

by  |  earlier

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Don't they understand that when they have a girlfriend, they're not supposed to hangout with girls that they used to like ? I'm about ready to kill my boyfriend, seriously.. he just doesn't get it that it's not right because I'd NEVER do that to him.




  1. If it's that important to you and he can't respect that then go ahead and break it off with him! My husband have a mutual rule that you don't hang out with the opposite s*x unless it's in the presence of mixed company... it's just respecting us and our relationship.

  2. I agree. Tell him how you feel because he's your boyfriend and he should care about your feelings and opinions!

  3. I can see where you're getting at. I just think they were born to be like that. He'll grow out of it.  

  4. So I'm an idiot, because you're having a jealousy crisis?

    If you're jealous, consider who's got the problem?

  5. Girls is the same idiots as a boys. We simply don't understand each other..

  6. Most are idiots until around their 30's when they finally get mature.

    You are a bit jealous though.

  7. you are dating not married, chill the F-out. your jealous. if it's that big of a deal get youself another bf.

  8. Here's my advice, you should dump him and burn whatever belongings he's left at your house.

  9. Jealous, much?

    Get over yourself. If they're just being friendly, there's no reason to get your panties in a bunch.

  10. you should do what he does and see how he feels. if he doesnt do anything than got a problem

    sounds like you dont trust him

  11. If they are friends with them, what's wrong with hanging out with them?  Sounds to me like you are possessive.  If I were him, I'd dump you.

  12. most guys (like me myself) feel that it's cool if we hang out with other girls.but when our girlfriends even look at another guy we get all jealous and's just what we guys do. sorry :P

  13. Its just there nature! :D

  14. i don't think guys will ever realize this.  if you find one that does, let me know!  

  15. if he's just friends with them then it's ok...but if he's been unfaithful in the past or really shown reason for you to not trust him then you have every right to worry and i wonder what you're still doing with him...

    maybe have a calm talk with him and let him know that you're not happy with it, that way he's aware of it and can reassure you and all...

    but if he's being faithful then please don't accuse the poor guy just because you're insecure...and not all guys are idiots...just like not all girls are saints...

  16. u need 2 dump his *****-***! like now...

  17. Why are girls such D-bags?

    Why do you expect that because you happen to be dating the guy that he should suddenly cut himself off from half the human population?  That's retarded.  Drop the insecurities.  If you can't trust him around other girls, you shouldn't be with him.

  18. It's true...we are absolute pigs...we don't think with our brains, but with a different organ.

  19. ugh tell me about it!!!!! its like all they want is one thing and if they don't get enough of it they go get more!!! and most of us girls would like never do that!!!

  20. yahhhhh im totally with u on that ;)

    unless they r just relly good friends.

    but that could lead to more.............

    so u should def. tell him sumthing

  21. Girl u so right my bf called his ex yesterday a.k.a MY best friend! just to talk haha i wanna break up but we have ALL 7 classes 2getha OMG i wanna act normal but can't around and then my best friend told my other friend i'm gonna laugh at Naomi when tyler breaks up with her a$$ thats so rude of her

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