
Why are brazzilians natrurally gifted as footballers? ?

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how come brazil have so many famous footballers? do they have strong acadamies or something?




  1. They appear to have natural flair and most of them are brought up in poor surroundings and have a real motivation to achieve success through exploiting their basic footballing skills.

  2. The Brazilian treated Football as their Religion...

  3. because Archie McLean, a Scottish Engineer, taught them how to play football - whilst the English were still playing the old game of soccer.

  4. When they're born they come out wearing soccer cleats out of the whom! and they're first gift is a soccer ball instead of a bottle

  5. maybe its the samba music that gives them great rhythm  

  6. Well... Brazilians grow up watching mostly their father live and breathe soccer. So they start to like themselves and start to play it. They also watch professional stars like Pele, Ronaldo,Ronaldinho, and Kaka play for the Brazil national team. So they start to learn all these new tricks and start to become great footballers themselves. It is also said though that the music helps create rhythm with the ball.

  7. we dont have fancy academies, we just play whenever we can, to have Fun, bafefoot in the street, in the beach, everyway. we dont pay attention to the strict rules and tactics...just for fun.

    and to the first guy "lebrick"...Brasilians arent mexicans. we dont mow lawns, but your father forgot to mow mine, its been what...2, 3 weeks wtf...

  8. wtf f@ck all brazilian teams there all black players they look the same all the players

  9. they are not naturally born that way alot of the kids turn  to football as a way of getting out of the poverty in brasil (not saying everyone in brasil poor)  

  10. Why do you think they are "naturally" gifted? It's just a part of their culture, and they're very good at their culture, from futbol to dancing to, in some cases, being a pretty racist society :(

    !Viva Brasil! I duno if it's the same in Portuguese...

  11. They live and breathe it. Often playing in bare feet on the street or on the beach. Again this is a sport that we the English invented but that everyone else seems to be able to play far better than we can because they put their heart and souls into it.

    It is not just the Brazilians. I used to work in Saudi Arabia and even the young there will kick a football around anywhere without boots on. Do you ever see that in the UK I doubt it. I blame successive governments and local authorities for removing all the playing fields that were around when I was a child. If we had a few more of them we would probably have a lot more young football teams in this country producing our own decent players. I can probably name 10 that have come through that sort of system and are currently playing in the premiership.

  12. Because we have no intellectual life, no moral, no justice, no education for children, no work for adults. We are a people who don't know its own history, who can't speak its own language, who don't take anything which requires a trifle of thinking or intellectual effort seriously. We are not used to democracy, here people vote without knowing whom they're casting their vote for, children starve to death before the eyes of parents who just can't do anything, once they have had no opportunities in life, who can't read, write or make their voice heard.  They face all this suffernig as natural and nearly necessary for a happy after-life; that's the other thing taken seriously here, religion.

    Both of them play the major role in forming Brazilian society.

    In short: Given all that, it is simple to understand: We are naturally gifted as footballers because that's the only thing our children practise,spending four hours a day in school.  

  13. Its indeed part of our culture. Americans are good at football (which shouldn't be called football BTW ), brazilians aren't.  

  14. coz wen there kids they have nout else 2 do so they just practice football all the time

  15. Because football is in their blood...

  16. don't get too carried away with yourself, some are naturally gifted not all.

    I think you have fallen in love with there image and don't really see the big picture.

    Ronaldo tried to do a bit of showboating in the prem last season for the Manc's and was totally slaughtered for it.

  17. its because they play football with dedication unlike the english kids. they play barefooted and have seen their fathers live it.

  18. Boys here are used to play it since young age, as you in USA are used to play baseball or american football. They play to enjoy time with friends in any place (in a football camp, in any field, in the street). It is hard to find a camp to play football near home so they usually improvise it.

    In the school they also play it. Of course we have football academies here but our famous player were poor and could not afford it so the academies are not responsible for our gift. What happen is that the football teams usually has a division for children and they do drafts to find good players in early ages in order to get a good contract in the future. I would say that 80% of our players had a poor past.  

  19. its either play soccer or mow lawns

  20. They play it all the time, whichever way, and wherever!

    I grew up in Bulgaria and us kids played for over 6 hours each day. I imagine Brazilian children play football 10 hours a day during summer vacation.

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