
Why are breeder pets are so expensive?

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its not even just dogs and cats its rodents too! i just looked at a website and a pet rat was $30.........they better have been kidding thats rediculous. i know its best to get pets from breeders but they shouldn't be that expensive because then people will just buy them from petstores. i think they take advantage of the fact that we want healthy pets so the price is like super high. ugh! how anoing




  1. Cause breeders believe they take care of rodents better than normal stores.

  2. basically it's guaranteed that they aren't inbred.  I'm not saying anything about anyones lifestyle, but that is frowned upon in the genetics world.

  3. You are paying for more than a pet when you buy from a breeder.  You are also paying for a guarantee that the animal comes from a healthy background.  Sometimes, usually, they have proof of the bloodline.  That way you know there is no inbreeding, which always leads to health issues.

    Some breeders also include vet visits, etc.  

    It is always worth it to pay more for a breeder, but for me I would rather rescue from a shelter.  That is truly best.

  4. Why /wouldn't/ a healthy, well socialized pet be more costly than a sickly skittish one? Breeders need to pay for the cost of raising these litters responsibly, keep in mind. A good breeder makes only enough money to pay for the costs of producing the healthy animals. They do not make much of a profit at all.

  5. If your in the market for a pure breed, you will pay. The breeder gets all the shots and the certified papers. Those costs are built in to the price of the pooch.


    Because in the future, you can get a return on what you spent if you become a reputable breeder.

    Its all a money game that is perfectly legal.

    Just make sure you report your windfall to the IRS

    The Rat

  6. get what you pay for.  Breeder rodents are better sociolized than pet store ones and healthier

  7. Yes to some extent they are. However the care they give their animals much better care and that involves time and vet care and shot and other important things for which they need to be compensated . Their costs are the same or more to keep and female for a year that reasonably has one litter a year where the mills might get 3 or 4. You pay for what you get.Some dogs have very special needs like English Bulldogs are almost always born C-section because of big heads and narrow hips. Breeder absolutly DO inbred that is how breeds are developed the only way to know they are not inbread is to check pedigrees. AKC has no prohibitions on interbreeding .You  really need a vet check to insure there are no defects due to inbreeding.

  8. breeder pets are very expensive, with some animals, though,  it s worth it, they can sometimes be much higher quality pet

  9. As a rat breeder, I thought you might like to know exactly what is involved in the breeding process. Choosing parents is the first thing, most breeders will choose very healthy friendly and beautiful animals. Most of us already have a history of the parents bloodlines that dates back at least 3 generations. Then after they breed, we have to carefully monitor the mother. We make sure that she is doing well, and not having any problems. When she is delivering the babies we are usually there, and we watch to make sure a trip to the vet is not neccessary. If it is, it can cost $200+ for the visit. If all goes well, we have to handle the babies. Most of us hold every baby every single day for 3-5 weeks, until they are old enough to be adopted out. We have to advertise to find homes too, which also takes time. Litters can be anywhere from 3-20+ babies. Now, if there were say 12 babies in the litter, and the breeder keeps 2, then that means there is $300 dollars potentially if they are all adopted. But figure the time spent with the parents, and the babies. I'd say about 28 hours for 4 weeks, just for holding the babies. Now factor in food costs, approx $30 Bedding $10. And time spent taking pictures, updating websites, making flyers ect. Approx 10 hours. So, we've got $40 and 38 hours invested in this litter. $300 - $40 = $260 Then $260 divided by 38 hours, and we're making $6.84 an hour. Then factor in vet bills if there was any problems and we might break even. Most breeders are striving to create healthier, longer lives for the rats we breed, and we have to charge a small fee to help ensure we can provide everything they need. So that you can be assured you will have a happy, healthy and friendly pet. Rats that come from pet stores are generally mass produced just to be snake food. They are kept in dirty, small cages. Fed unhealthy foods, and kept on bedding that can cause disease and even death. There's nothing wrong with getting a rat from a pet store, but like the others have said, you get what you pay for.

  10. they are expensive cuz they are purebred and dont have any inbreed in them. i know it is crazy! and many people believe breeders have better quality pet than pet stores

  11. I know it is very annoying dogs are like $1000.00.Well it's because they are purebred and some are hybrid.Mixed aren't as much as the purebred.

  12. They are healthier, some of them are already trained, they are used to human company so it's easier for the "pet parent" to tame them. They have a lower chance of having diseases or being pregnant, most of them are pure breed.

  13. they are bred responsibly and are handraised unlike the stupid petstores that have skittish animals that come from mills.

  14. A good breeder know the breed and the genetic background of the animals they breed. You will pay extra for an animal that is know to come from good, healthy blood lines.

    When you get an animal from a pet store, there is no guarantee that the animal comes from healthy parents. Most pet store dogs come from puppy mills, where dogs are bred for profit, without concern for health. The puppy mill breeder do not care if the bloodlines have a history of defects or illnesses.

    Breeders put quite a bit of money into raising healthy animals. Most breeders do it for the love of the breed, and not for the money. A good breeder will not make money off of the pups, since they spend so much on the prenatal care, care of the mother and puppies, first set of shots, most give toys, leashes, etc with thier pups.

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