
Why are bricks buried in my garden?

by Guest61969  |  earlier

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I bought an older house in need of updating, and I started with the front yard/landscaping. While cleaning out my beds of pakasandra, I have discovered about a dozen buried bricks and belgian blocks. WHY would the previous owner have buried them there? Do they serve any purpose in controlling weeds, supporting roots, or shoring up pavement? And what will happen if I take them out? Thanks!!




  1. I would imagine that it acts like a drainage system for their garden.  Like when you plant a plant, you usually want a layer of rocks at the bottom for the water to drain through.  That way, the roots don't rot in wet soil

  2. They could have been there to help with drainage or they could just be left over from some project and that was the easiest way to make them disappear.

  3. Maybe someone died and it's a thomb. Sorry no idea

  4. they are probaly there from when the house was built, common practice for lazy builders/contractors to burry rubish in the yard

  5. Perhaps they are there to help maintain higher temperature soil?  IDK, there are lots of possibilities!

  6. they were probably used as a border edge a long time ago and as the garden itself became overgrown they ended up getting buried. It won't hurt anything to remove them, it will probably help the plants to not have to grow around them. If they clean up nice, you could consider using them as an edging again. good luck

  7. Like others have said, the bricks there are either from an older home no longer standing, an abandoned project, or a backyard junk yard.  It was common a few decades ago to burry your rocks in the backyard.

    Removing them would be nice as you have more room for soil.  Perhaps you can use the old bricks as edging.

  8. Since your house is old it might have been around during the civil war. I could have possibly been sandwiched between one of the battles and a poor brick structure found its grave. I would sell them on Ebay as Civil War Relics.  

  9. might have been a wall or a older building or a add on that has been knocked down

  10. maybe there was a pond there and they filled it in?

  11. some one used cheep fill or an old house was there one time

  12. sounds like history. all long time ago the house probably crumbled and they rebuilt it and just buried the remains of the old house

  13. there used to be a brick structure there!

  14. nothing will happen if you take them out.

    Maybe they were there for a walkway along time ago  before the garden was there and they demolished the walkway to biuld your house and make a backyard or something. 1 lil brick may have alot of history. lol

    Good luck

  15. i dont know, who cares

    they are just bricks lady!!!

  16. because it was cheaper to bury them then to dispose of them properly.  Controlling weeds?  

    Take them out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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