
Why are brown aye s to common in all world,but not here in iceland?

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I am from iceland ,and i just know trhee brown eyed persons,but many people in other countries have brown eyes.Why?




  1. Blue-eyed people tend to give birth to blue-eyed children, who become adults with blue eyes who have blue-eyed offspring.

  2. I wish I could tell you the answer but I don't remember it. However I do remember seeing a show and they talked about this and how and why most people in the world have brown eyes. I think it was the Discovery Channel. You should try looking this up on the net.

  3. Brown eyes are a dominant trait versus blue eyes, which are recessive, which explains why most people in the world have brown eyes.

    Blue eyes come are a genetic mutation from a single ancestor. Everyone with blue eyes originated from that single individual with the first case of the genetic mutation.  Here's an article on the find:

    Iceland has a very small population and for many many years it was quite an isolated country. Because of this, the gene pool in a way stayed "untainted" which makes certain traits quite prevelant (e.g. fair skin, blonde or reddish hair, blue eyes).  Now that there are more people migrating to Iceland (and not strictly from other Nordic countries) more traits will be mixed in the gene pool which will eventually lead to more people with brown eyes and darker hair.

    By the way, I lived in Iceland for 16 years and I knew quite a few people with brown eyes, including myself.

  4. blue eyes are recessive and brown eyes aren't,so blue eyes produce blue eyes (though if someone's eyes are actually green or grey and not a true blue they could actually carry genes for brown eyes.)

    Also there's a lot of viking blood in icelanders and vikings traditionally had  blue eyes/fair hair. maternal dna in Iceland has some relationship to Irish & British maternal dna-probably because said Vikings settled there with slaves brought from these regions-and most brits/irish also have light eyes (although in the  Ireland you also get a darker strain of people with dark hair/brown eyes known as the black Irish.)

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