
Why are cappy men confusing?

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I'm a sag girl and in sept. my last year in college I made out with a capricorn guy, before we made out he told me that he never made a move with me b/c he thought I liked his friend tom. Which tom lied to him, b/c tom liked me at that time. anyways every since we made out I would text him saying hi or whats up and he was always very rude and said stop or would be brief, that could b/c he thought I was drunk and would say r u drunk, then he'd ignore me. Anyways I havent talked to him in like 3 months and he ims me outta nowhere seeing how my summer is and what I am up to. i was nice and I talked to him, even though i'm confused. Then he said he had to go but he would be on im later or he said I could text him....What is up with that? I didn't im or text him cause I dont wanna seem desperate. But I do still like him. I dont know if he wants a booty call tho or what?? Should I text him in 2 days and ask him if he wants to hang out or what? I would love to see him again.




  1. If you would like to see him again,then see him!Most men like to be the one to make contact and then a woman is absolutely sure he is interested in them.

  2. bcuz they only like scorpio women. lol. :)

  3. Capricorns can be the laziest of all the star signs and are unwilling to commit until they feel completely safe. If you want a relationship to happen then you will need to make the effort. Just because he has not made the first move does not mean he does not like you.

  4. Text him is my advice too you.!!!

  5. To be bluntly honest, it doesn't sound like he's very interested in having you as more than a casual acquaintance.  In my experience, Capricorns are not wishy washy - they are either interested in you or not.  If he were interested, he would probably not have seemed so distant those times you tried texting or IMing him.  I think he is just trying to be friends by asking how your summer is going and such.  Cappys are very straightforward and see things in black and white...I think if he were truly interested in you, you would very much know it by now.  He probably simply wants to know how you're doing.

    Hope that helped!

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