
Why are cars and boats known as a "she" ?

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Why are cars and boats known as a "she" ?




  1. Because like women, you must use a combination of asthetic pampering, elbow grease and before you can get in, you must have a special key that you turn just right to start her up.

  2. Because they're big and heavy and are extremely high maintenance.

  3. Because if you don't baby them and give them everything they want exactly how they want exactly when they want it they breakdown and refuse to do what needs to get done.  They are also money black holes, you never get out every thing you pour into them.

    Did I mention finicky, picky and will perform for anybody who knows how to start them up?

  4. We guys have a problem calling them he's> And we like spending $> Pampering them> Taking care of them> Improving there performance> And they don't complain>And when it's time to have them leave were payed>

  5. In most Indo-European languages with grammatical gender, the word for "ship" is feminine. In Old English texts, there is more evidence of grammatical gender, such as a shield being called she.

    It has also been surmised that all ships were once dedicated to goddesses, and later to important mortal women when belief in goddesses waned. Interestingly, although male captains and sailors historically attributed the spirit of a benevolent female figure to their ships, actual women were considered very bad luck at sea.

    For cars it could be a carry over from the past.  

  6. Because men just love their toys.

  7. As far as I know, when a male speaks of one he refers to it as she, and when a female speaks of one she refers to it as he.

  8. because they are both tempremental.

  9. I really can't say for the car, but for Boats, like the women, they are both money pits.

    The first day you get together is like heaven, also the day you part - same way.

  10. CUZ THEY *******...

    iTS KNOWN AS AN ( iT )

    OR A (BABY)





    LOOK AT HER...



  11. Well... Ive asked my boyfriend that exact question and his exact words were "Cause I don't ride a guy!" hahhaha

  12. cuz usually men r atracted to them

  13. LOL They are usually "owned" by men

  14. Back in the olden days (the days of sail), many men were on a ship for many months at a time with nothing but other guys around. They must have figured that the one thing that could be female should be. Also, many ships had decorative statues of mythological figures, often things like Greek or Roman goddesses.

    This tradition just carried over to other modes of transportation.

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