
Why are cars driven on the left side in some countries?

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Why are cars driven on the left side in some countries?




  1. because the stering collum is on the right side of the car over there.

  2. Its not just cars, every vehicle is driven left side. Its for the same reason why vehicles are diven right side in US. Its their notation.  Its just a notation.The countries which are once ruled by Great Britan followed the same rules, which are followed by British. So even after their independence they are happy with continuing the same rules. India, Pakistan, Srilanka, UK and most European countires follow left side rule.

  3. It had to do with where the brake lever was placed on a wagon.

    In the US the makers of the Conestoga wagons started putting them on the left, so the driver sat on the left, when there was oncoming traffic they would move so they could see how much clearance they had between then and on the other wagon (to the right side).

    So the reasons now are meaningless, it is just the way it is.

  4. Nearly all societies used to travel on the left side of the road. This made sense because life was a lot more violent back then. "Since most people are right-handed, swordsmen preferred to keep to the left in order to have their right arm nearer to an opponent.

  5. thats just how it is

    i have no idea

  6. Most British colonies follow "wrong" side rule. The 2 notable exceptions are (a) USA (b) Japan.  Japan was NOT a British colony but yet follow the Brits.  USA was a British colony but was liberated way too early for that to make a difference on cars.

    This question use to be asked once a day before.

    Good Luck.

  7. Because we follow the laws of the British Commonwealth - driving on the right side of the vehicle, and some non-related countries chooses to follow suite - Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, East Timor and American Virgin Island. Also, if you're in Asia, Africa or Europe, be prepared for manual transmission because, especially Europe and Indian Subcontinent, manual transmission is the only driving option available.

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