
Why are certain people so keen to point out seeming inconsistencies in evolution...?

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but not question the authority of a holy book riddled with contradictions?




  1. The Bible has no contradictions. :) Unfortunately there are dishonest people who take verses out of context to try to make it appear that it does.

    The theory of evolution is far from a proven fact. It has many holes in it. Theories should be scrutinized, don't you think?

  2. For the same reason others attempt to point out what they see as contradictions in the Bible.  All sides have some sort of vested personal interest in being right and trying to convince others.  Those who are Christian see this as a moral/religious obligation.  Those who are anti-God see themselves as enlightening those they thin they are superior too intellectually.

  3. Scientific theories keep changing. Every student of science knows that.

    The Bible being the word of God cannot change because God does not change. There are apparent contradictions since we are trying to interpret the words that have been written centuries ago. Science, on the other hand, is supposed to provide foolproof evidences that should convince everyone. Yet the evolutionists themselves have difficulty accepting them.

    G.G. Simpson, the American paleontologist, has this to say:

    "It might be argued that the theory is quite unsubstantiated and has status only as a speculation" (The Major Features of Evolution, pp. 118, 119).

  4. Because they are intellectually dishonest and lazy, that's why.  It's easier to believe in a magical book than science, because magic is simpler and science takes work and discipline.

  5. It's your main weapon against our God and our Faith.  It is but natural for us to look for weak spots in your much-touted armor.  Waving your ill-understood theory you present it as the answer to everything.  On the other hand you derisively point out the basis for our faith is unreliable because it is so full of inconsistencies.  Now that we have succesfully exposed evolution to be unreliable  as well - you complain.  The moral is people who live in glass houses should not stand naked near your windows.                                                                                                                      

  6. Because they can only point out others mistakes.  They must be so filled with fear of losing that last grasp at an afterlife, that they are willing to degrade themselves and everyone around them just to fool themselves.  

    They know what the truth is but if they close their eyes to it, it isn't real.

  7. They are seeking to disprove evolution.  They do not question the bible since it is supposed to be divinely inspired.  

    Jesus turned water into wine and said, "If you think I'm not divine, you'll get no free drinks when I'm making the wine."

    So if you want a free drink, keep that in mind.

  8. If you made something really wonderful, would you be happy if other people took credit for it?

    Satan has lied about God and implied that He is an unjust Sovereign. (Genesis 3:1-5) Since then, Satan—the ruler of this unholy world—has made sure that lies about God have proliferated. (John 8:44; 12:31; Revelation 12:9) Some religions have painted God as arbitrary, remote, or cruel. They have claimed to have his backing in their bloodthirsty wars. The credit for God’s marvelous acts of creation has often been given to blind chance, or evolution. So, God’s name has been viciously maligned. It should be sanctified; its rightful glory should be restored.

  9.   Because  the  big bang  and evolution  are not  of  God

      they  are man,s  opinion,s  and God  said  let  God be true

      and man a liar,,and on these subject,s  they are.

  10. because the Bible says it's the truth, right?

  11. Evolution has been touted as absolute fact, when it's not. Am I not allowed to question, review, and come to a conclusion?

    The Bible is a book for you to question, review, and come to a conclusion as well, if your going to half *** read it with mocking you won't get anything out of it.

  12. Because there can be no perfection in scientific discovery. What was believed a thousand years ago is not believed today. And what will be scientific belief a thousand years from now will not be the same as what science believes today. Science changes as each new discovery is made. God remains the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

  13. Because they have a fragile faith that will shatter like glass when they discover the truth. Evolution is the truth.

    Deist with a B.A. degree in Anthropology (archaeology)

    Evolution is a scientific theory and a fact.

    Keep Idiotic design and creationism out of American public schools!!!


    Did someone say evolution is a theory AND a fact????


  15. Because they can?

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