
Why are changes good?

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Why are changes good?




  1. Not always, but they can allow for new situations and environments when the previous one was obviously failing.  Change can allow people to explore new ways and ideas or in general how to react to a new situation.

  2. well, changes can be good or bad. but good changes help up to grow up and realize that the world doesnt revolve around us. changes can also make you a better and/or smarter person. the main thing is, dont be afraid of change.

  3. well...i cant wait for changes...i guess its a good for some people because they don't like the way their life is right now but if things are good they don't want change if something in life really good....  

  4. Without them, people would get bored. Changes are what distinguishes us from children as well.

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  5. Well,it matters, changes can be good or bad. Good changes help up to grow up and realize that the world doesnt revolve around us. changes can also make you a better and/or smarter person. the main thing is, dont be afraid of change.

  6. Can we get any more open ended?
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