
Why are christians obsessing over the end of days, are they into mass genocide?

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Why are christians obsessing over the end of days, are they into mass genocide?




  1. When you see these things take place rejoice for your liberation is at hand.

    But your right it is not to be obsessed over, many teach these things without understanding.

    If they knew what it meant they wouldn't be. They have been sold a lie about the rapture and think they are going to be taken away before all this. Very wrong, all will suffer good and bad alike, but the good will rise again.

  2. haven't they always been?

  3. Im not a Christian but I dont think they are obsessing over the end of days or into mass genocide.

  4. I really wish I knew,Seems to me  being a decent person, not causing any harm to others and helping others when you can, having a personal relationship with God without someone elses sincerity gauge is so  far less burdening then the minutia of all this  so called revealed knowledge, Doesn't make people any closer to God,  I have met some genuinely good decent people non christian people and met some really rotten christian people so to some it is not even relevant.

    Sorry didn't mean to rant.  But have been thinking of this for some time.

  5. Genocide is massive by definition; it's the systematic destruction of an entire people. Saying "mass genocide" is superfluous.

  6. They've been at it for 1,000 years at least. When it was the turn of the first Millenuim, a lot of Christians got on the bandwagon with much of the same rhetoric that you see today, with one important difference: the internet wasn't around then.


  7. According to the Bible, God is a Mass Murderer.

    So, if they worship God, they're also worshiping the fact that he kills many people, so... yes?

  8. There has been over 200 dates that the end of the world is near. here is a web page of all those false predictions up to present time.

    Pretty d**n funny.  

  9. Because it is the pinnacle of our religion. It is the end. We (Christians) will all be in a much better place!

    It's on it's way as we speak, there are many prophesies in Revelations that have already come true. I hope that you are saved before it comes

  10. We will face mass genocide one way or another if Jesus was not coming for us.

  11. If the offer of salvation is about to be removed, as Rev 22:11 seems to be saying, it would be well to be on the right side of that door when it swings shut.    --  The action will be YAHOSHUA's not ours, but it will indeed finally be final.

  12. It is because if it comes soon, we won't have a chance to save your wretched soul from eternal doom. Your sarcasm does not help your salvation.

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