
Why are cities/countries associated with certain zodiac signs?

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I've read in some astrology books that New York is ruled by Cancer (hah), Dublin is a Taurus city, and Melbourne is a Gemini city.

How does this come to be about?

Does it have something to do with the date it was founded or something? Is it because these cities exude traits of these signs? That seems kind of far-fetched, don't you think? Someone explain...




  1. It is called "mundane astrology" because it is the astrology of non-living things. It is more speculative and undocumented by the ancients than normal "natal" astrology (astrology of living beings), but it follows all the same principles... you determine the date, time and place of a non-living thing's "birth" and cast a horoscope for that data.

    It works very well in many cases. For example, the vedic horoscope for USA as a country is fantastically accurate. Same for the vedic horoscopes of India, China, etc. Also, you can do this with companies and organizations with good accuracy.

    It's sometimes difficult to know when exactly a non-living thing was born (which is a lot of the reason why mundane astrology is more speculative than natal astrology, where it is comparitively easy to know the exact date and time and place of birth).  

  2. I'm a Cancer and for some reason New York doesn't seem to fit, but hey, why not? I've been to Dublin and it definitely feels like a Taurus city!  

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