
Why are civil liberties vital to constitutional practice?

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i have a few more questions about politics:

1) how do presidents govern and make policy?

2) what is the oversight function of congress?

3) why are civil liberties vital to constitutional practice?

4) and how is congress organized?




  1. From the view of a novice political junkie, attorney, and mother of an active duty airman....

    Civil liberties are vital to constitutional governmental practices in the US because our government can only govern by our consent. Citizens must be free to express themselves, assemble, use the press (and net), and pursue happiness to maintain a democratic government. In a dictatorship, civil liberties are the least of the government's concern! When civil liberties are suppressed, the governed and the government changes. If you seek a democracy, there must be personal freedom, equality, and all the other liberties that we Americans take for granted too darn often.

    1. Presidents govern and make policy, again, by the consent of the governed-- be it the American people or the House and Senate. However, be wary of the administrative octopus! The federal government has grown SO large under Republican rule that it is hard to determine whether the tentacles or the mucus pod is in the lead.    

    2. Anything they want to oversee--from the mishappenings of Christine Jennings election in Florida to whether Clemens took steroids. Unfortunately, Congress has missed the oversight boat on the INS. See

    3.  Poorly. Gerry-mandering makes the validity of representation quite questionable, especially in rural areas of the country.


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