
Why are clouds white?

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Why are clouds white?




  1. A cloud's colour depends chiefly on the cloud's relationship to the light of the sun.In some cases,it depends on the colour of the surrounding sky.

    if the wavelengths of the sun's visible light,in the familiar red-to-vilet spectrum,are not blocked,but scattered equally,the result is white light.So,if the sun is shining and the cloud is not covering the sun,in general,the cloud is white.

  2. Clouds are made of millions of water droplets and then the sun reflects thru them.

  3. Clouds are white, with shades of gray, because they equally scatter different wavelengths of visible light. The sky is blue because blue light is scattered the most, but clouds scatter red, green, and blue light evenly.

  4. Because they absorb the entire visable light spectrum.  All mixed light colors produce white.  With paint when you mix qall colors you get black.

  5. Clouds are white because they reflect pretty much all of the sunlight that hits them. If you look at the underside of a large cloud you will notice that it is dark, because no light is getting through to the other side.
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