
Why are collection agencies still calling me?

by  |  earlier

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I paid off my debt, but they are still calling me. I owe no more money. What's the deal?




  1. Maybe it hasn't gone through yet... they get the "check's in the mail" excuse a lot.

    It probably hasn't been processed yet.

    Or, if it's been quite some time, check your bank statement, maybe they never recieved payment.

    Other than that, no idea. I doubt it's an issue of you paying the company directlt instead paying through collections. Because the company wouldn't have accepted payment, they would've tranferred you to the collections agency it was sent to.... but ya never know, that could possibly be the confusion, look into it.

  2. if settled for less than full amount and did not get it in writing they will continue as you did pay-- if you paid in full tell them this and tell them to place you on their do not call list as you owe nothing

  3. you can write them a letter telling them to cease and desist all efforts to collect/and or that you have paid in ful and cease and desist

  4. They are trying to get you to pay them money you no longer owe. Some people pay companies like that, assuming that if someone is calling them on a debt, they must owe the money.

    Or they are trying to collect on a zombie debt.

    Of they are just calling the wrong person.

    Next time they call, tell them to send you something about the debt in writing. Then use their address to send them a debt validation request. They probably won't bother you after that.

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