
Why are communion wafers taken so seriously, while it is the blood that seals the covenant?

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Why are communion wafers taken so seriously, while it is the blood that seals the covenant?




  1. At consecration in the Catholic Mass, the bread becomes the Body of Christ.  

  2. Communion is silly.

  3. The Biblical reference is to the Last Supper, where bread and wine were BOTH used. The admonition was to "Do this in memory of me."

    Theologically speaking, the bread is as important as the wine.

  4. Jesus, at the Last Supper, commanded his disciples and their followers to eat both body and blood 'in Remmbrance of Me'.  Each is equally important in doing so at each Mass, itself a re-creation and celebration of that last supper.

  5. WHY???

    Because they taste like Toilet Tissue!

    That's why.

  6. It represents the body of Christ which was sacrificed for our sins

  7. Christ said He is the bread of life...

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