
Why are computers called computers???

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Why are computers called computers???




  1. im going to tell you the tue story how it was  name computer

    once upon  at  time, people work on huge device to do a simple computation, then like five men , take out the tube, charge to the other pose tube. one day saint nick come with a little tower, he sayed  bill gate gave with that as present.

    suddley he  new device fall in his foot , he saye compu ,  big came ter

    what it say computer, but he thougt how u see the  tree billgate told him.

    throw the window.

    see saint think inveted window.

  2. They compute.

  3. Because initially all they did was math. The cpu in a computer still only deals with ones and zeros, called binary code. It just does it really really fast. The rest of what a computer does is all relatively recent. The first computers took up huge areas and were extremely slow. A cheap, low level new computer would be considered a super computer, in comparison. The memory was actually reel to reel tapes, and lots of them. One average hardrive stores what a wharehouse full of reel to reel tapes used to.

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