
Why are conservative so sensitive?

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(just wondering)




  1. Sometimes we get a little fed up with blind liberals who, for one reason or another, have tremendous difficulty with the obvious.

  2. If you mean the Neo-Cons, they're hardly flushed with success right now are they?

    The idea of spreading democracy throughout the world is the right one, as far as I'm concerned.  

    Using weapons of mass destruction to do it is wrong.

  3. For years, conservatives complained about 'failed liberal programs'.  But in the last few years they've had the chance to implement all -their- programs, and they've failed too.  They're angry because 'reality' has set in with most Americans.  The arrogance and corruption and excesses of the Bush administration has given conservatism a bad name.

    But of course that's not real conservatism, and that's also an important point here.  Real conservatives are fiscally responsible.  They believe in good government, and that corruption is bad even if it benefits -them-.  They believe in each generation doing better than its parents.  The Bushies don't believe in any of that.

    Conservatives realize now that they made a classic 'faustian bargain', and they lost.  The movement now must cast around for a new model to replace the off-the-wall greed and corruption and lawlessness that grew out of the Reagan Revolution.  So it's no wonder they're sensitive.

    As it is today, we have one party that stands for the worst kind of corruption and excess and irresponsibility, and another party that stands for . . . nothing at all.

  4. Sensitive or Moral?  In a generation where we are taught that, "If it feels good, do it",  it is a breath of fresh air to see those who dare to stand for the basic principles of morality.

  5. The REALITY to this on-going issue is...

    ...Simply DENIAL! The "One who barks the most, is the more LIKELY to be the culprit of whatever 'issue' is being addressed. And Oh! Not to mention an enormous slough of stutter :-0

  6. Or better yet, why are sensitive people so conservative.

  7. I don't think I'm sensitive.  I guess the same could be said for liberals.  Just yesterday, Hillary said, "Shame on you, Barack Obama!"

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