
Why are conservatives only emotional about money?

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I recently read the first few chapters of Neal Boortz book. He talks about how liberals are irrational and emotional and conservatives are fact based and logical, but his book is very emotional when it comes to money. Like the government taxing people is like stealing or something, or the equivalent to getting robbed at gunpoint.

It seems conservatives are only emotional about money (mostly rich people's money). Don't they have any perspective on the fact that taxes pay for a police force and mililtary that protects them and their loved ones, or builds roads that they drive on every day? They're constantly complaining that government has no right to take their money, but where did they get the money in the first place? The acquired the money because they live in a country where accumulation of wealth is allowed in the first place.

The saying, "I love america but I hate the government" can only go so far.




  1. Don't pay any attention to anyone from anyone from Fox News.

    It will only make you crazy.

  2. I'm a Conservative and I care about the direction our country is going, and I also care about the Poor and their needs.  If everyone would stop attacking one another, we could solve a lot of our problems.  What's wrong with working hard and making money?  I don't get upset that I have to pay taxes, I get upset at the abuse in Government Spending and the People that are abusing the Government.

  3. i'm feeling pretty emotional about this question

    but i'm not in the mood to beat my head against the brick wall of ignorance

    take a look at what makes me boil-

  4. And let's not forget the Tax money (Billions ) Polise (Democrat)  wastes on subsidizes like fish storage and Billions on Global Warming which is more myth then fact. But being a Liberal you love to pay more then your share for taxes and you are apparently not smart enough to run your own life's so you want to pay out more taxes to hire more Government to tell you what to do and where to spend your money .You also aren't smart enough to know Tax hikes the Democrats add every time in office do very little to subtract from Americas dept and they tank the economy! More waste by Liberal Democrats and your newly elected Democrat Congress is setting records for the highest tax hikes EVER!!!  But this means nothing to you cause you have money to throw away! Bottom line is it's not emotion Republicans have for money . It's Republicans do a much better job then Democrats running the Country and you don't need to be a Rocket Scientist to see Republicans are a lot more intelligent then Liberal Democrats!  Who's conning who?  >>>>>  CHERI B It is huh ? then you should send all the money you make to me so we can weed out that evil<<<<

  5. You've completely missed the point.

    The conservatives understand that taxes go for critical things like roads, police, protection, etc.  What they don't want is taking tax money and giving it to people who abuse government assisted programs.  How much was wasted to people who abused the money available during Katrina?  How about able bodied people taking welfare money instead of getting a job.  Thats what they object to, and its their view that the liberals want to continue to fund these things at higher rates thereby taking more money away from people who keep the country running.

  6. "The saying, "I love america but I hate the government" can only go so far."--Well it hasn't gone far enough yet.

  7. You should change your question to "Why is Neal Boortz only emotional about money?"

    You said how his book is emotional when it comes to money.  That mean Neal Boortz is only emotional when it comes to money, not all conservatives. That is like saying all democrats think General Patreus betrayed us, because MoveOn said he did.  That is MoveOns opinion not that of all democrats and being emotional over money is Neal Boortz' opinion not all conservatives.

  8. "Like the government taxing people is like stealing or something, or the equivalent to getting robbed at gunpoint."

    If you look up the word "Theft" in Black's Law Dictionary, it's obvious that income tax fits the definition perfectly.  It's not a matter of emotion to point this out, it is a fact.

    Given that we survived and prospered for almost 150 years without an income tax, I think it's safe to say that the government did not cause our prosperity.

  9. They are not Neal Boortz is wrong.

    Conservatives are emtional about the poor that is why they donate more of their own money as compared to liberals.

    As far as the rich go what about the Kenndys who take their money and have it stuck all in off shore accounts.

    Guess what if the government would be better stewards of the money they take I am willing to bet they raise such a sink about taxes.

    Yet when a tax dollar out of my paycheck and less than 10 cents gets to the welfare mom.

    I say there is a problem.

    BTWL  It is my money I earn it so why is liberals think it is their right to take my money.

  10. I get emotional about money when I see it being spent by the gov't on programs I don't support.  It also gets funneled out of programs where it needs it like for maintenance for the bridge in Minneapolis or the levees in New Orleans.  I work 3.5 hrs every day just to pay for taxes and social programs like SocialSecurity which may be bankrupt by the time I retire.  That is what upsets me.

  11. because the more money they get the more they what.

  12. Hey man, I get pretty darned emotional about lots of stuff...

    a. Puppies

    b. Dallas Cowboys

    c. A sizzling steak

    d. That girl in the glasses with tight blue jeans

    e. ZZ Top

    f. The Alamo

    g. God

    h. Fresh apple pie

    i. A flat tire

    j.  Income Tax

    k. Drums

    l. Books

    m. Spartacus

    n. When ET said, "Ouch."

    o. The lure of the sea

    p. ASCAP goons killing live music by demanding club fees

    q. Shorty the dog

    r. Clean sheets

    s. The roar of approval

    t. Shopping at The Home Depot

    u. A sonic belch

    v. Really good coffee

    w. Trees.  Yes, this conservative hugs trees.

    x. The American flag

    y. Really comfortable shoes.

    z. Payday.  Yes, it's money but libs like paydays too I'll bet.

    It's not in order and doesn't cover everything, but you get the idea.

  13. Because it is the root of their obsession and the root of all evil.

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