
Why are conservatives "energized" by the pick of Palin?

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Conservatives have not been happy with the choice of McCain for many reasons and now, it is said, they are excited that he chose someone with solid conservative positions.

But if she is VP, it won't matter a hoot if she holds conservative positions that McCain doesn't.

So, are they hoping McCain dies and leaves her in charge?




  1. Bye  Bye  Obama....

  2. She will bring energy to the ticket that was not there before BYE BYE Obama.

  3. It's true about the lack of real power the VP has, even with the added responsibilities Gore & Cheney seem to have taken on.

    Yet, she will be close to McCain & as much as I dislike his policies I do not dislike the man & I believe he will go to Palin often for advice. And being the first woman Republican on a major ticket the media, with McCain's approval I'm sure, will keep her & her views center stage.

    And remember she is light on World experience. She'll gain that in four years & then 2012. I'm sure she didnt say yes to VP without knowing she'd be a likely presidential candidate in 2012.

  4. Obama and Biden can now play in bed with each other, while McCain and Palin  can mess around. Typical for each party.

  5. Well lets look at what she isn't.

    A lawyer.   Who exactly thinks lawyers are honest?

    A coastal snob.  She reminds people of themselves.  

    An elitist,  The liberal elitist crowd has spent the last 24hrs laughing at her.

    Ivy league educated.  This is a little bastion of indoctrination.

    An inside the beltway marshmallow.  She has views most of us hold

    In it for the family legacy.  No FAMILIES of professional politicians, just her.

    Hard core partisan.  She has a record of working both sides.

    She earned her position.  Unlike say, Hillary..

  6. Apparantly it makes them feel good to see McCain is willing to risk having that unqualified lady become commander in chief in these troubled times just to win a few votes. Can anyone seriously argue she'll be ready on day one if that should be nessecary?

    Is that country first? Risking the future of America's children to pick up some female voters? What an insult to the intelligence of the good American people.

    The GOP puts elections before country every time

  7. I have to admit, in my over thirty years of really watching politics and trying to understand the bigger picture, this move has me utterly flabbergasted. Senator McCain has picked a woman with basically very little experience, unless you count her time as mayor of a town of eight thousand people as experience, she is self-proclaimed uninformed about Iraq and is strongly anti-abortion...and this is supposed to entice the Hillary supporters to vote republican? Every time I read words like the ones you used in describing Palin, solid conservative positions, I can't help but think intolerance, that's the first thought that comes to my mind. A person who is more than willing to impose their moral and religious views on others through legislation. That's what I think when I hear words like solid conservative positions, anti any group that does not conform to their beliefs and their thinking. Maybe people should take a look at this woman's voting record, like a good republican she votes against anything that would help Americans but she is of course pro-business. A truly stunning choice. It's a slap in the face to many women who are pro-choice.

  8. Are they energized? My impression is that they are putting on a happy face but after the camera clicks off, they are wetting their pants over this.

    You have to admit, this is a pretty crude ploy, even for the crude art of politics.

    Basically the conservatives have lost the one reallly good argument they had against Obama, his inexperience. Now, we have an even greener rookie one heartbeat away from a potential President who is near senelity and has a long history of cancer issues.

    I mean, Bush was bad enough.

    How long do the Republicans wish for America to suffer under incompetent leaders?

    You'd think they'd want the best for their country, not these....these....has-beens and nobodies.

    Is this the country that produced Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, etc?

  9. The press is in "we have to try and look supportive of this stupid move so we don' look like WE are the ones sinking the Republican's boat" mode.

    The Republicans are in the "we have to try and look supportive of this stupid move so we don' look like WE don't have a pot to p**s in right before the RNC" mode.

    The fact is that McCain screwed up big time, and the Republicans are in "forced denial" hoping to at least get through the convention with some dignity before it all falls apart.

    The actual election has been decided but the polls won't really show the "Shock" until after the convention.

    I predict that the convention will be a sea of forced and broken smiles as the Republican party rolls out the endless line of cartoon characters that they contend have/have had the ability to govern the nation.

    A truly historic event.


    It must REALLY suck to be a Republican right now.

  10. While McCain isn't my first choice, I'll take him any day over Obama bin Biden.

  11. She is a new fresh face that can generate excitement in younger people that Biden can't.  She is energizing the conservative base, and that's what winning elections is all about, my friend.

    She is a true conservative, she has a great life story, and she has some executive experience being governor.  McCain has much more experience and will make a great President.  When McCain's term(s) expire, Palin would make a great first female president!

  12. >>But if she is VP, it won't matter a hoot if she holds conservative positions that McCain doesn't.<<

    Whether or not that is true, she is still a breath of fresh air and an anti-pork and anti-corruption symbol.

  13. Exactly! So much for the National Security/Experience Matters crowd.

    However, outside of conservatives, I think the rest of the country is saying "What the....?"

  14. One reason is that she can beat some sense into McCain.  

    While he will drill in the OCS, one of the dumbest statements he ever made was saying he would not drill on federal lands like the Grand Canyon or ANWR.  

    She can fly him up there and show him that this "small" section of Alaska on the northern coast of the Arctic Circle is a 19,000,000 acre wasteland and they only want to drill on 2,000 acres of it.  

    Then McCain can come back and say Sarah has shown him the light and he's for drilling in ANWR

    BTW -- there are10 billion (with a B) barrels of oil and 66 trillion (with a T) cubic feet of natural gas up there.

  15. She is young, exciting, she has 5 children, including a son in the Army and a baby with Down Syndrome; she fights corruption; she's assertive and strong without being rude.  She's a woman with principles who has succeeded in spite of the fake-feminist movement who can't tolerate difference of opinion.   And don't kid yourself; the fake-feminist movement does everything it can to sabotage a woman who is pro-life in politics.  Their worst nightmare is a woman who can compete successfully with men, without resorting to abortion.  Which Palin has done, without missing a beat.

  16. Why?

    Are you Afraid?

    I would be if I was Obama

    A woman with more experience than him....I mean real experience...

    good grief...

  17. I am a Libertarian who leans to the right. I was hesitant about voting for McCain before (not that I was considering Obama!), but I'm extremely happy with McCain's choice of VP. Palin would be a wonderful VP in my opinion. She has traditional conservative (not neocon) views, which are in line with a lot of libertarian views.

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