
Why are conservatives such hypocrites?

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I constantly hear conservatives parrotting that democrats are connected to celebrities and Hollywood, but whenever an actor, athlete or now a beauty queen runs for office, they are Republican. Even worse, they almost always win. Let's be honest about who is starstruck, conservatives.




  1. The hypocrisy of conservatives is a side effect of the perennial disease that affects them: IDIOCY.

  2. They have no problems with inexperience, beauty queens, corruption, immorality... as long as it's in the Republican camp.

  3. actually liberals are the one over the top kid!

  4. The VP McCain choose is not an actor, is a former athlete and is not even in a beauty contest. By the way just because The current gov. Ca is a former actor and Republican that doesn't mean he is a conservative. Political slants and Political parties are 2 DIFFERENT THINGS!!!!

    If anything the argument can be made about why conservative attack the Hollywood left and not the minority on the right. However the reason why so many on the left are attacked in Hollywood are not only do they s***w over the right but all of them think that they are smarter than anyone who doesn't see the world their way regardless if those people are fans of their work or not.

    No one from the right or the republican party is saying that the liberal left cannot a their opinions or run for any office and no one from either the slant or party is stopping Al Frankin from a Senate Run in Minnesota.

  5. Because they grow up with the "do as I say not as I do" attitude. Besides, hero and idol worship is what drives their false sense of patriotism.

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