
Why are convicted criminals being let loose from jails by the thousands?

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why are vases being stolen from cemeteries and manhole covers disappering from our streets???

what is going on out the Bush/GOP presidency winds down after 8 years????




  1. how many months they will see the old faces,  and to get new faces is the reason. Fore the second question, i know that you know the answer.

  2. Why would I think you would provide a link to these accusations?

    Stupid me!!!!!

  3. they are being let loose because the jails are too full... thats happening because we don't enact the death penalty enough, we should put any murder to death, with a minimal trial, and no appeal.  that would help

  4. What in tarnation are you people talking about?  If you want missing manhole covers to be addressed at a national level, can't you move to Russia or somewhere that has a centralized government?  The United States of America is a union of sovereign states.   Ha!  I got two points for this!

  5. money being cut from correctional institutions budgets, on top of prison caps & pressure from the public to lock criminals up,

    Hense the revolving door system of criminal justice

  6. You don't already know?????

  7. criminals are being let out, because that's cheaper than keeping them locked up..........

    and bodies start stacking up if we kill all convicted "criminals".

    People steal vases from cemetaries, because they are moral-less losers.,......

    Manhole covers disappear because scrap metal brings in a pretty penny.....and times are tough............

    I knew a guy once, who spent his nights, stealing  those metal guard rails from highways..........

    the city would come to replace them......and he'd still them again.    I think it was his sole source of income........

    as for what is going on out there........

    my guess is...........ALOT!

    and as for Bush............Good riddance to bad rubbish.

    How's that hunt for Osama going?

    He is a disgrace...........and he disgraced the 3,000 Americans who died on 9-11.........and he disgraced our troops,  who he misused.........and killed more than 4,000 of them,  in his fruitless crusade in Iraq.

    He should swing for his war crimes.

  8. The President doesn't have anything to do with any state prison system's. If there's a problem in you state, its your STATE and government elected officials.

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