
Why are corporations allowed to control nearly every aspect of American's lives.?

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They've evolved to the level of institutions and have no democratic oversight. So why do we let them have so much control over our lives when they couldn't exist without us as much as we couldn't without them.




  1. Although they do not control every aspect of our lives, I have to admit that indirectly they do---this is done by the lobbyist that stay in the halls of Congress on the behalf of corporate interests and disperse enough FRN's and other perks to influence the things that are to their interest and is not necessarily in the interest of Joe Citizen----This with International Corporate workings and consolidation leave the world run by Corporate bodies with the help and financing of the Central Banks...Consider, do you ever hear of Anti-Trust Laws anymore? In the past in America trust busting was one great crime that we could depend on to be enforced.

  2. Citizens are against or seem to be against owning them themselves. Public Solar Power Companies, alternitives not seen as strong enough. Were citizens to support a movement away from this a Solar Power Movement which could  support a Solar Power Party to represent them encompass all such problems things might change. Also citizens would then have to desire a co-operative form in which citizenseach chipped in to run things. Things like this were slammed as evil incarnate by corporations. Maybe time at least alternitive made possible to punish at elections those not representing people .

  3. Because of the government taxing them they are forced to make deals with the government! i think the only place for government is protecting us not taxing us. Businesses provide leadership for the country government needs to leave them alone!

  4. Early on the courts conclusively decided that the sole purpose of a corporation was to be profitable to its stockholders (Look up a case called Dodge v. Ford, 204 Mich. 459 (1919)).  In order to fulfill the purpose of its existence, a corporation must do everything possible to be profitable.  The only tool available in restraining a company's behavior in the pursuit of profit is government.  Therefore, early on, companies realized that they needed to be able to control government in order to maximize profit and thus fulfill their purpose in the most efficient manner.  That is why there are over 60,000 full time lobbyists working in Washington today.  In reality, you cannot blame the corporations for striving to fulfill the purpose of their creation.  However, if a balance has been lost, we should seriously question the government that has neglected its duty to keep corporate ambition in check

  5. Control every aspect of Americans lives?

    You mean they provide jobs and produce products that people use to better their standard of living--Then YES they control peoples lives--

    Without corporations we would all be growing gardens in the back yards of our thatched roofed hovels--hoping the winter is not too harsh so that we don't starve to death.

    That computer your typing on--A corporation gathered the resources and the technology to build it and a corporation allows you to send your message around the world for others to puzzle over.

  6. Uh "Che",

    You'll have to do better than that.

    Just spouting off leftist-socialist talking points doesn't do it.

  7. There is an old rule and it applies in many cases, whether we like it or not:

    "He who has the gold, Writes the rules".

  8. Because they provide employment.

  9. Can you give some examples how how corporations control every aspect of your life?

  10. Some examples of this "control" would be helpful .

  11. Because we are so distracted by shiny new things. They make us happy. When you are bummed about something - Go Shopping! You will feel better... When you are Happy - Go Shopping! It's a great way to treat yourself...

    The Media distracts us from what is really going on in the world and what little news we do get is in 15 sec sound bites. We are so mesmerized by what is happening to Brittney and who has what and how can we get it now that we don't even know what is going on in Columbia and why our Gov is spending millions to free up the land so corporations can move in to drill for oil. Oil bled from poor farmers land that can no longer grow crops to feed their families cause other corporations (Monsato) has poisoned the Earth. Oil to sell to us because we have a shiny new car because Brad Pitt was seen driving it and if I get one like it I can get the hot chicks too!

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