
Why are corrections officers so maligned in the popular culture and media?

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Why are corrections officers so maligned in the popular culture and media?




  1. Because they are an extension of the police department and like the police the have power that average people do not, and while most cops

    are worthy or respect, many are not. Cross a abusive cop is bad, being in prison with no rights and no place avoid to  totally abusive correction officer who has his fellow officers to cover for his is 100 times worse. If a cop violates a person there is a host resources and protocols that will expose that cop.In prison do not exist. Things in pop culture an media are based on facts more then fiction correction officers are twisted.  

  2. hogans heroes

  3. I have no idea, if indeed they are. No-one denies the need for police to catch the bad guys, so there has to be someone keeping an eye on them while they're locked up. And being surrounded by criminals day in day out probably alters your personality. Maybe it's a bit like undertakers: necessary but not something we would all like to do.

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