
Why are countries so obsessed with building the tallest, biggest stuffs?

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Ya I'm just curious to know. someone told me its because by building the biggest or tallest shows that the country has the technological ability and advances to do it and tell other country about it. is this true?




  1. It seems to have two purposes

    The first one is to demonstrate the power of the country. Before this could be achieved with warfare, but this is not so possible these days so instead of showing you're the strongest country by fighting another, you do something that the others haven't yet been able to. In this respect they also help reinforce national identity, the population get a monument they can associate themselves with.

    The second is a more modern development. By building large buildings, bridges etc. it shows that a country is rich, accomplished and progressive which can be used to entice companies from other countries to invest.

    They're both products of globalisation in their own ways.

  2. They are all phallic symbols and most likely they are compensating for something.

  3. Also - "My dad can beat your dad."  It's the eternal child in mankind.

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