
Why are countries such as China , Korea, and Vietnam such popular places for American adoption?

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The U.S. has thousands, probably millions, of American children up for adoption, yet American families look to Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa to adopt a child/children. Why?




  1. One reason is because they are babies. Over here in the U.S.A the children through foster care are deemed special needs, because sometimes they come from abusive or nelglectful homes. Lets face people out there that want to adopt don't want to be bothered dealing with emotionally damaged children. They would rather have a baby that doesn't have an emtionally  problem. It takes real special loving people to adopt a child from foster care. My parents adopted me from foster care, and they are the best. They took in a hurt child and adopted her. They are a model of what adoptive parents should be. Willing to adopt a child not a clean slate!!!

  2. Everyone loves to say they saved a kid from poverty in a third world country. Who wants to save a kid from the bronx who had a 14 year old mother.

  3. There are many avenues toward adoption, each with their own benefits and drawbacks.  A responsible adoptive parent looks carefully at each of these and makes an informed decision based upon what is best for their family.  

    All children deserve a safe, loving and stable home no matter which country they are adopted from.  Are you trying to say that only children in the US deserve to have this?  Or that children from other countries deserve it less?

  4. less/no vetting for suitability - no hoops to jump through.

    basically its kids for sale for those who cant adopt by normal means.

    a lot of illegal activity in child acquisition is reported in documentaries the occasional news article etc to sell children for adoption and people are unaware any illegal activities occurred for them to be able to adopt.

  5. I think its because there is less *red tape* involved.And to  save a foreign child who's orphanage is in a horrible state.I firmly believe we need to take care of our own backyards first !!!

    Meg....your on the right track but your saying the local kids are from 14yrs olds.Do you really think the  foreign kids are from only highly educated family's whos average age is say 25-30

  6. They look to all of these foreign countries because the children up for adoption are living in bad enviroments and many will die of aids or malnutrition. Here in America the children are put into foster care systems and are taken good care of. Not only that but in these countries you are mentioning there is a population problem and many people turn to adoption as their last resort to save there children.,

  7. In the states you have to go through a mess of paper work, CPS are in your house for at least 2 year and you have to put up so much money. That doesn't happen in other countries. It can take less than a year to fully adopt a child from another country.

  8. I read with American adoption there is the possibility the birth parents can one day get the children back... and adoptive parents are fearful of their children being taken away.  There is also less red tape adopting abroad.

  9. There are approximately 550,000 children in the foster care system, and only 114,000 are currently available for adoption, not millions.

    People adopt from other countries for a variety of reasons, many are very personal and private.

    I would recommend that you look into becoming a foster parent, you seem to have such a passion for the children.

  10. We adopted from China cause the children are free for adoption. They were abandoned by their first parents so I didn't feel like I was coercing an expectant mother into placing her infant with me.

    I know there are many, many children available through foster care but until our whole foster care system gets a major overhaul I am afraid to adopt from foster care. Most of the time children in foster care have been abused and neglected. With having other children at home already I couldn't risk bringing a child into the family who could have been sexually molested.

  11. I was adopted from Korea in the 1980's.  Prior to my parents looking to adopt oversees they tried to do so in the US and were told they would be on a 10 year waiting list!!  So they started to look into other options and korea was one of those options.  Its very difficult to adopt a child out of the foster sytems because most people want a "baby" not a child.  There is not less red tape to adopt outside of the US if anything there is more.  You're fingerprints are run through the system, you're monitered for six months, you have to make a certain amount of money, be a certain age, have a certain size house, ect.  In many asian societies children born from rape or out of wedlock due to an affair are an embarrasment and left to be put up for adoption because its so "shameful".  Children from all over the world need to be cared for and loved so why is it a bad thing to adopt from oversees?  And why does the department of social services make it so difficult to adopt children?  And sometimes children who have been in emotionally traumatic environments can have extreme behavioral and emotional problems, such as children from eastern european orphanages.  Some people are so desperate for a child of their own and they don't want to wait ten years to get their wish, plus Angelina made it more publisized.

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