
Why are coyotes not house pets and other dogs are?

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because all other dogs used to be wild too and they had the same hunting thing. so why are coyotes not house pets




  1. because they arent domesticated. its takes generations to break an animals primal insticts so they become household friendly.We're talking hundreds of years. back when animals where first being domesticated, they would have avoided coyotes as they're a titch viscious, so they didnt want to risk getting mauled by the beasts. Nowadays, there are so many breeds to choose from, they dont feel the need to domesticate coyotes, but kudos to you if you want to try and housebreak a wild coyote.

  2. what kind of question is that you idiotic nincompoop

  3. Because they haven't been domesticated. =]

  4. Dogs are descended from wolves, which live throughout Europe, North America, and parts of Asia. Coyotes only live in North America. Because the earliest humans lived in the Middle East, they would never have seen coyotes and so domesticated wolves only.

  5. coyotes arent dogs they are wild animals even if they don't act wild.

    your story proves nothing a freind of mine had a raccoon and he fed it froot loops so it stayed around then one one day it ran off. it wasn't domesticated it was just used to humans

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