
Why are criminals protected more than the victim ?

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Why are criminals protected more than the victim ?




  1. The accused are protected in order to prevent false accusations and illegal imprisonment.  False accusations and frame ups were, and still are, common tools used by tyrants in order to keep people under control.

  2. Because that's the way the law works. The victims are either too scared or upset to give valuable evidence against the criminal, so it's deemed that the criminal gets more rights than the victim. It's not fair, but then if the victim were able to give evidence anonymously or in some other way, the criminal complains THEIR Human Rights have been violated. What isn't taken into account is that the crime itself has violated the victim's Human Rights to begin with.

  3. The victims don't hire their own lawyers.

  4. A large part of it was that a person could be prosecuted multiple times until convicted in the courts before the protections they got were put in the constitution. Also plenty of other abuses in the past plus the fact that there have been plenty of people proven innocent of the crimes they got convicted of with the advent of dna evidence which brings up the question of how many are innocent that got convicted and even executed but never had dna or other evidence to prove their innocence.  

  5. Because of the do gooders and the pc brigade, very unfair in my opinion

  6. Because if the criminal is found innocent, HE was the one that could have spent the rest of his life in jail, getting gang raped by guys named Ted before marching off to the chair at age 67 for a crime he didnt do.

    Technically, you need rights more if your about to get charged, rather than charging somebody else. Protecting yourself is much harder than attacking someone else, know what I mean?

  7. i have noticed this and that is a really good question...i do not understand this...also why do the police not care if someone is having their property vandalised? what the h**l do we pay the cops for? we have had problem for about 2 hours getting into the block of flats through a window that brings them in to the corridor, we have had our shed out back smashed into our neighbour had theirs done too and we had bins thrown over and our washing line cut with a knife...meaning these 4 teenagers have knifes and nothing done...whats that about? yet if we tried to restrain one of them whats the better we would get done for it

  8. Depends on the crime

  9. Because of the absurd length people will go to in order to protect the human rights of criminals when many of those found guilty commit horrendous crimes against humanity. Those found guilty should lose their human rights until they are capable of acting like reasonable human beings.  

  10. The government are N0bs


  12. yes they are

  13. because most politicians are criminals so are protecting themselves

  14. Because until proven guilty, they have constitutional rights and the state must not dismiss those rights.  

  15. The only people who say this are people who have never been in trouble with the law.

    In Jail and Prison you are treated like slaves. Merely looking at a guard can warrent a beating and many of the guards take pleasure in and pay inmates to kill or rape each other while they watch.

    On top of that as soon as you get arrested you become property. Every single peice of personal information is taken from you. Than you are stripped naked and made to stand in line with other men for hours and not allowed to talk. After waiting in line behind 200 guys with 200 more behind you they make you spread your a$$hole, and pull back your forskin for them to inspect. Everyone running the prison or jail psycologically abuses prisoners and many do physically. On top of that they pay them to do crimes for them, than bust them on the crimes and make them do more years.

    So really if you haven't been there, don't speak. I'm sure there are a few select cases where what you are saying is true and the news loves to talk about almost every single one.

    They don't like talking about the guy who got his face beatin in, and is being treated like a dog in a cell after the cops planted crack on him because he was clean an they wanted an arrest.

  16. A good question for our judges, and lawyers that are money hungry.  I mean they have so many rights it is not funny.  It makes me so sick.  I mean we need to make sure the judges we are voting for are hard on criminals not just a slap on the the drunks out there still driving until the kill someone, then it is to late.  Go figure.

  17. Blame the liberal idiots and the human rights brigade.

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