
Why are cuban's so simple and boring?

by  |  earlier

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well i just think theirs too much elderly cuban people living in south florida and they make life kinda boring




  1. sorry, I dont kow any cubans personally.  Wasnt scareface cuban?  He was FAR from SIMPLE and BORING.

  2. You're joking, right?

  3. A better question would be,"Why don't you know that an apostrophe preceding an s at the end of a word shows possession and not a plural form of the word?"

  4. Are they?

    Elderly? well what do you want the elderly cubans to do?

    Go on a rave nigh out with you.

    smoke pot in the dark corners of Florida.

    Go drifting.

    Sorry for sounding a bit rude, and sarcastic, but eish you asked for it man!

  5. I don't know about boring but since when was it considered wrong to be simple? If you find someone boring or too simple according to you, just find different people to be with.

    And btw, I'm not Cuban. :)  

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