
Why are cute guys arrogant?

by  |  earlier

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There is this guy and he's friends more with my sis. He came to my house yesterday to play basketball. He was so fine, kind, and being honest with his personality. Well, he was talking to us and his other friend. But this morning, when i was chatting with him, he's so arrogant, mean, and always thinks like i like him and all. He ALWAYS thinks that girls like him, geez. I never thought that i would actually like him but i'm so ANGRY with him. He's always mean in MSN but when we see face-2-face, he's fine. C'mon, he is 18 and i'm 15, is "hey! girls like me alot!" the only think in his mind?




  1. guys who are the "jocks" or popular are usually dumb or full of them selves you need to look at the sweet not so cute guys.

  2. well, not all of us cute guys are arrogant y'know....

    well, allright, i admit, maybe sometimes i like putting up a false confident on girls, sometimes i am arrogant to them ON PURPOSE...sometimes i like to put up a cocky attitude only towards the girls i like....

    one time, i met this girl, i knew i am attracted and in love with her and in turn, i know she has a crush on me and likes me back...

    maybe because i know that she  likes me, and i like her back, but i don't want her to get hurt by me, so i get intentionally get cocky and maybe she'll get turned off by my actions...

    but you know, deep inside, i really like this girl...and i would try and be a good man for her someday i hope....we are still friends and i am still intentionally arrogant to her...

    makes any sense?

    i'm cocky toward women who i like back because sometimes i know i'm not ready for a relationship, so i don't want to hurt their feelings and get their hopes up....

    maybe your guy friend is also like that...he's just protecting you from himself......i think he likes you back because you said that in face to face, he's fine...

  3. haha some guys are just to full of themselves.

  4. Let it go! You're too young for him and he knows it! so leave him alone and worry about your home work instead!

  5. Because they're used to girls being all "you're so cute" "you're hot" hitting on him at the mall, etc.

    That's why I never tell guys their cute...

  6. Yeah, it seems like good looking guys are always arrogent. That's why sometimes I'm glad I'm not good looking! Ha, ha!

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