
Why are deaf children abused more than hearing children?

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Why are deaf children abused more than hearing children?




  1. People get angry and upset if they say something to somebody else and get no response. Parents of children often get angry at their kids for ignoring them when they ask the kids to do something, even more so when deaf kids don't respond when people speak. For some people, being deaf is no excuse.

    That's one reason.

    Imperfect kids are abused twice as much as perfect kids. We have had to enact laws in this country protecting the rights of the disabled in this country particularly because people reject those who are not physically perfect among us, including parents. Being deaf is just as much of an imperfection and disability as missing an arm or leg. Parents are angry at them selves and the world for producing an imperfect child and take their anger at themselves out on the child, which is much more common than the parents who go above and beyond the call of duty caring for a disabled child with love. We just had a lady in my neck of the woods be arrested for child abuse - she abused her disabled son and confessed she kept him just alive so she could keep receiving the $2000 a month in government assistance. Sick, but common. Happens all the time. We just don't see it out in the open anymore.

    Most parents abuse their authority over their children more often than not. But also factor in heavy drug and alcohol abuse, which causes reasonable people to remain in an unreasonable state for long periods of time. The saints who love, respect, and care for their children with disabilities are few compared to the thousands who don't - and unfortunately, drug and alcohol abuse of the parents results in abuse of the children, everywhere, regardless of disabilities or no.

    But mostly, deaf children are abused simply because people can't stand having someone not hear them when they talk their opinions of great importance to the detriment of others.

  2. The simple truth is, some people become abusive to those who are (thought to be) inferrior to them or weaker to them.  I am *guessing* because some people need to feel superior by finding ones that are weaker than they are and prove it by being hurtful or violent.


  3. On what are you basing this opinion?

  4. Well, there are several of us working with Deaf/HH, answering these questions and I would like to know more about where you witness this abuse. I have been in the field over 28 years and have yet to see what you are talking about unless you call parents who do not learn to sign when the kids need them to.

    So give us details so we can fight the fight..

  5. There is no basis for my opinion, none I am aware of anyway...but, I'd say there is a possibility because the abuser becomes upset with the child's inability to "listen". Seriously, we are a verbal society.."speak your mind" "listen to me" "listen to directions" and on and on. We are geared towards giving and receiving instructions... so when a child can't do this the instructor becomes frustrated, angered, and possibly abusive.

  6. The answer is "frustration".

  7. Because people are sick!!!

  8. I don't know if they are abused more.  Deaf children are abused for many of the same reasons any children are abused - adults in postions of power and authority abuse their positions and take advantage of weaker people.  Deaf children may be at more of a disadvantage than hearing children,since they have more difficulty communicating with hearing society.  Abusers may think that deaf children will be less able to tell, and less likely to be understood or believed.

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