
Why are democrats againts Palin saying she lacks foreign policy experience?

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The are claiming that she lacks experience but that argument lacks logic and I will explain.

She is a Governor Bill Clinton he was the same age

She is No 2 on the ticket she has 4 years to get foreign policy experience.

McCain will not run for a second term she can be groomed for the presidency in 4 years.

Now Obama is No1 on the ticket no foreign policy experience never ran a state, never ran anything

Biden No 2 on the ticket has foreign policy experience but if Obama should win will be too old to run for president after Obama




  1. Which Democrats.

  2. Umm Vp's don't always run for presidency dear and if something happens to the president she will be the next president automatically. She has even LESS experience than Obama. Let's just admit it was a good tactical move to get supporters of hillary

  3. Republicans have been bashing their candidate on the experience issue from the beginning. They see this as a way to point out Republican hypocrisy. There are 2 major problems with this concept though. The first is that they have been arguing that experience doesn't matter in favor of their candidate. The second is that the Republicans did not nominate an inexperienced candidate for President, but rather Vice President. So I ask you. Who are the real hypocrites here? Let's not even get into the fact that just a couple of weeks ago they were saying the Republicans would never nominate a minority or female candidate. Make no mistake about it. They are worried and they will make every attempt to discredit Palin wherever they perceive a possible opening.

    lambofgoth: I think maybe you mean she can spell potato.

  4. Because she does lack foreign policy experience.  She has 2 years experience as a governor (Clinton had several more) and a few years experience as mayor and city council member of a town of 5400 people.  Her experience is laughable and McCain is an old man just a heartbeat away from death.  He has already lived longer than his father and his grandfather.  Scary stuff.

    Palin is the GOP's next Dan Quayle.  Maybe she can spell tomato.

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