
Why are democrats trying to help Chinas one child policy?

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I just read that the Democrats in congress are going to try to start sending money to China to support their one child policy,the same policy that forces abortions on women who get pregnant again?Has anyone else read this?I found it on a site called is disgraceful.




  1. they have found that to bring our population down to a sustainable number, every single person in the world would have to pair off right now, and only have 1 child for the next 50 generations. So it makes some sense if you look at our survival.

  2. First off, try using unbiased resources.  It will help you come to your own understanding rather than theirs.

    "The measure approved yesterday would allow US funding to flow to the UNFPA outside of China, for a list of specific purposes that includes "safe motherhood initiatives, reproductive health services, and fistula care."

    This is what they did.  Thats all the vote called for.

    "However, critics contend that the measure would allow the agency to shift funds from the supported programs to China, effectively aiding China's coercive programs."

    This is what you have claimed and is being projected as a possibility.....

    Outside of all that, if you dont want an abortion don't have one.  Stop trying to force everyone else to live by your values, unless you would like to be subject to their values as well.

  3. Not only are they trying to run our lives, now they want to tell China what to do, I think their one child policy is wrong, but it's not our business

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