
Why are diesel fuel tanks smaller than petrol tanks?

by Guest59447  |  earlier

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Why are diesel fuel tanks smaller than petrol tanks?




  1. Are they?

  2. They are not.

    look up the specifications of any new car and the fuel capacity is the same regardless of diesel or petrol

  3. Because the diesel engine is more efficient than a petrol engine,You get more miles to a gallon.

  4. Didnt realise they were....but as I have never owned a diesel...maybe its because they go on the range of the tank and you get more mpg from a diesel.

  5. What vehicle are you talking about?

  6. Diesel's use less fuel, they have a better mileage

  7. Because you get more miles to the gallon from diesel, therefore you don't need to carry as much. This in turn improves MPG as you carry less weight

  8. because you get better mpg with diesel so you need less of it

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