
Why are do some children that aren't exposed to learning things seem smarter or more ahead than other children

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I know 'exposed to learning things' sounds weird, but I didn't know how to word it. I'll try to think of a scenario. Okay, there was a girl who naturally learned to read easily, and early, wanted to learn, knew how to write and spell earlier than a lot of kids, got a library card so she could read books at the library because she wanted to, was always one of the ahead or top kids in the class, but never really had any support at home. No one in her family helped her with homework or anything, even though she was around 6 years old. Also, she didn't get much food, and grew up in a messy environment, but still was naturally smart. Like, wouldn't you think that a kid that's ahead at a young age w/ a desire to learn would have family that stresses education?

Now, say there's a kid that didn't do as well (not that this would make the kid less smart), had family that always cared about her work, was taken care of well, but still, and was kind of behind or just at the right pace.




  1. genetics

    also the kids that are forced to learn generally feel forced and overstressed so eventually FAIL!

  2. My guess is that the first girl is just very smart and self motivated. She was born that way. We all aren't born with the same IQ. Also, maybe she loses herself in could be an escape of sorts. The other kid may have had more going on and more conventional means of "fun."

    Every kid is different.

  3. Genetics and natural intelligence probably play a large part in this. Personality and desire to learn can make a big difference as well.

    Also those who are shy and do stuff on their own often have to work things out on their own and thus get a lot more practice in trouble shooting and learning on their own.

  4. I believe genetics and if she is neglected at home she has a desire to fill her time with other things. If a child has education taught from the get go, most often they are receiving a lot of attention in other areas from their parents as well. The first child sounds lonely and would most likely be wanting to excel in something because it comes easily and possibly a way to get her parents attention.

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