
Why are do things come easier to some girls and not others?

by  |  earlier

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For example, there are girls who are very confident and don't care what others think of them, and it seems like they always act on impulse. But there are girls who are the complete opposite (like me and my friends) who are too self-conscience and analyze things too much. My question is how can some girls have so much confidence that it looks like they don't think about consequences and why is it so hard for girls like me to be like that? Just asking. Thanks




  1. Yah, I understand exactly what you mean.  I'm WAYYYYY to self concious but I can't help it.  My theory is, those girls are like that because they're so popular and everyone likes them and they like the attention so they think they don't have anything to perfect.  good luck!  I know how you feel! feel free to msg me anytime u feel down!

  2. If parents tell their daughter, as she is growing up, that she is doing a great job when she is helping Mom or Dad, that she is a wonderful kid, a smart girl, a kind and helpful daughter, a loyal friend, a thoughtful grand-daughter, if she is told that you trust her judgement - the result is that you have a young woman who has confidence in her own skills and abilities.

    These young women are the ones who have confidence in themselves and trust their own instincts,they stand up for what they believe in and don't take any **** from anyone.

    When you have daughters of your own, remember the things that people have said to you that built your confidence, that made you feel that you had skills and abilities and made you feel special.

  3. Pride, plain and simple.  They act like they are super-confident, but that'ss just they are too proud to let people know how insecure they really are.

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